Descendents of Johann B. SOECKLER. SOCKLER, STARK, EITEL, JUNKER, in Illinois and Oklahoma photographs.
From the book written by A.T. Secrest. Descendents of George Nicholas SPATH/SPAID 1776 to 1922. Surnames: ANDERSON, HELLYER, SECREST, FRYE, LaFOLLETTE, McELWEE and many more. Dates after 1922 added by living descendents.
My STOVALL Family - Of England and America
Descendants of George STOVALL, born ca. 1555, probably in Surrey, England.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Mystery photos for SWEEZEY genealogy enthusiasts looking for long-lost family. Help identify the people and places in some mystery photos from this collection of Sweezey Ancestor Photo Albums.
SHOULDERS research documenting lines back to Malachi SHOULDERS in Smith County, Tennessee.
Obediah Simpson Genealogy - Introduction
Descendants of Obediah and Mary Lord Taylor SIMPSON.
Offical Stalzer Family Web Site
Stalzer Genealogy.
Origins of the STONEROCK Family
Contains valuable vital information for STONEROCKs who lived in Pickaway, Ross and Darke Countys of Ohio ca 1805. A list of STONEROCK veterans from the civil war to WWII is provided.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Origins: SENSEBACHs in Germany & Migrations to America
A book for sale. Genealogy on the Sensebach family in German. Begins with earliest traces of the family in the County of Wied and origins of the name. Biography of the earliest known progenitor, Chuno Christian Sensebach and his fascinating biography. Then four generations of Chuno's descendants. Surnames include Sensebach, Sinsabaugh, Sensabaugh, Sencabaugh, Sincerbox, Neitzert, Reinhard, Mandt, Anhaeuser; Buchstaber; Comfort.
Oringh STONE and Elizabeth MABEE of Brighton NY
Descendants of Oringh STONE and Elizabeth MABEE- 3 generation formal genealocial report with links to 4th generation data. Sources cited.
Our Family History - The Genealogy of the Abner SHIPMAN Family of Lyme, CT, and Lincklaen, NY
A site dedicated to preserving the genealogical heritage of Abner SHIPMAN and his wife, Margery AVERY, and their descendants. The website tracks their family from Lyme, New London County, CT, to Lincklaen, Chenango County, NY, and beyond. It provides a format for current researchers to share theories, explore possible links, and identify areas for further research.
I have lots of pictures of my Sawyer line and also on one of my sawyer relatives daughter's page on a lot of her paintings that has been reproduced on postcards. There are links to my other genealogy sites.
Association of SELFE - SELF family researchers with an immediate UK connection.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
SCANLON - Ireland > Canada.
SEARS - Ireland > Canada.
SHIELDS - Ireland > Canada.
Dedicated to Henry Samson of Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, who arrived in New England as a 16 year old on the ship Mayflower in 1620, his descendants, his and his wife's ancestors, sites associated with this family, their biographical history, their artifacts when discovered, memorials dedicated to them, and reports of the activities of the Samson Kindred.
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