Family tree showing the SALES family of Crowle, Lincolnshire, England and Chichester, Sussex, England; The AKAM and BURRELL family of East Yorkshire, England; the SCRIVENER and BULL family of Essex, England; the MILWARD family of Derbyshire, England; the WRIGHT family of Newark, England.
A website for anybody researching their SALKELD family history in County Durham.
Descendants of Joseph SALMON born between 1814 & 1815 in Kentucky, died 1875 in Houston County Texas. Reunion information.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Genealogy of the Salo family in Paris Bessarabia Ukraine.
The Samson Family Homepage traces the descendants of the first Samson immigrants to New France (Quebec) in 1665.
Samuel SCOTT, 1785-1855 Owen Co., Indiana
Descendants of Samuel SCOTT & Milly FOSTER, both born Virginia, married Person Co., North Carolina 1812. Children's spouses: EASON, ESON, GODDARD, ABRELL, FRANKLIN, PHILLIPS, WOOD, McNAUGHT, BARNARD, KIGER, DAWSON, CONDOR, BUSH, HON, NEED, PROBST or PROPST, GIBSON.
Dedicated to the history of Samuel SOUTH & Sons and the SOUTH family of Hertfordshire and Tottenham, England.
Genealogy of Carl and Sara SAMUELSON from Kalmar County, Sweden. They moved to Iowa and then to Nebraska and Kansas.
SANDEMAN Surname Resource Centre - Main
Genealogical information and information on researchers of that surname.
SANDERS Family Association of the South
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Emphasis on HT SANDERS family in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia.
Sanders Family: Beaver Creek Story
Story of Norwegian immigrants Osten and Aase SONDRESSON and their orphaned children at the Beaver Creek Settlement.
SANDERS-SAUNDERS in the South from 1650.
The SANDHAM study also includes Sandam, Sandem, Sandom, and Sandum as variants of the surname. The ultimate goal being a world-wide coverage of birth, marriages, deaths, census, wills and other records. Current records cover mainly United Kingdom, Canada, and United States although other countries are also represented.
All things SANDHAUS, including genealogical information.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
SANDIN, TILLNER genealogy in Michigan and Sweden, Swedish-English Pictorial Dictionary, bouppteckningar.
Descendants of descendants of Jacob SANNER, a physician who arrived in America at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 11-19-1771.
SANSOUEY families of Quebec.
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For the SANT surname, particularly in the U.K. and the U.S.
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