Genealogical database for all MARCOUXs of North America.
Personal homepage describing the history and genealogy of German immigrants with the surname M
Family Marquardt in Brazil. Descendants of Karl Friedrich MARKWARDT. Russian immigrants in Brazil. Erechim, RS, 1912. MARKWARDT, MARQUARDT, L
Famille MICHEL Depuis 1726 / Familie MICHEL Seit 1726
Descendants of Leonard MICHEL from Eupen, Belgium.
Descendants of Alexander McGAHAN.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Family of Peter Mooney and Julia Wall
Family of Peter Mooney and Julia Wall of Indiana.
Family, located in Bavaria, Germany, starting in the sixteenth century.
Family Tree of Richard Bowden Martin
A record of the family of Richard Bowden Martin and Isabella (nee) Carrick who arrived in Dunedin, New Zealand in 1858 from England. Includes record of the Frederick Sheppard family in Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Findmypast - The Ancestral McCurdys (Their Origin and Remote History) $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Findmypast - The McCurdys of Nova Scotia (Genealogical Records & Biographical Sketches) $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
McKENNA, NEWLAND, PIPPARD in Victoria, Australia.
My Millett Family Tree, including the names King, Hayden Hunt from Fethard, Killenaule, Gortnahoe in Co Tipperary, Eire.
Free Genealogy Articles and Databases Complied by Mayrand Family Association
This site chronicles the Mayrand family from 1583 through 400 years in North America. It also has a compilation of articles that describes the meanings and history of names around the world.
MOMY, Canada and France. Descendants of Claude MARCOUX, Canada and USA. Descendants of Mathieu GERVAIS, Canada and USA. Descendants of Jean BOILEAU, Canada. Descendants of Antoine ANDRE dit LAFONTAINE, Canada. Descendants of Abraham METHOT, Canada.
Genealogie Familie MARTRON Nederland - Belgi
Genealogy and history of the Maronese family in Brazil and all over the world.
Genealogie MOLEMA.
Genealogy - Arris MEADOWS and Martha BURNSIDE or BYRNSIDE Descendants
From Kanawha County, Virginia.
Genealogy & History of McLauchlans
Personal observations relating to genealogical and historical issues involving the surname McLauchlan and its myriad spelling variations as well as surnames associated with my own genealogy-Corey, Drake, Stirrat, Oestreicher, Hearst, McBane, Hope.
Surnames, Family Associations & Family Newsletters » Surnames - M » Surname Specific Sites & Resources
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