Welcome to the McKNIGHT/McNIGHT Surname Resource Center
Records indexed by state. Includes births, deaths, marriages, military records, census, and online links to all things MCKNIGHT/MCNIGHT.
Welcome to the MENTZER Web Page
Descendants of the MENTZER family that arrived in 1751 and settled near Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Welcome to the MILLET/MILLETT-L Web Page
Designed to accompany the MILLET-L & MILLETT-L mailing lists on Rootsweb, for ALL researchers of the MILLET or MILLETT surname.
Welcome to the Official Website of the Thomas MINOR Society
Information about the Thomas MINOR Society and genealogical information on 114,000 of his descendants.
West Virginia McCALLISTER Genealogy
Specializes in (but is not limited to) West Virginia McCallister genealogy lines. McCallister is generic for the various spellings such as McAlister, McAllister, McCalister, McCollister, McCallester, McCallaster, McCalaster, McAllaster, etc.
William McINTOSH Surveyed 200 Acres of Land on Big Whippoorwill Creek, Logan County, Kentucky
In an effort to find parentage William McINTOSH died in Logan, Kentucky. Family members typed chronologically from Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina with sources given. McINTOSH, HOPPER, ANGLIN, BOREN, BROWNING.
Descendants of William MITCHELL who was born in North Carolina but lived in Dade County, Missouri most of his life. This page details his descendants, and includes families of spouses including SCROGGS, PATTERSON and McCONNELL.
William Thomas MITCHELL (1822 - 1865) of Walton County, his descendants and his service in the Civil War.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
MICHIELSEN family in Belgium.
All about the MORTER family of Norfolk, UK, and related links to MORTIER, MANN, GOULD and other names from SW of Norwich.
A database of Mort family members and their relations from England.
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