Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society
Charlottesville, Virginia. Links to most sites concerning Thomas Jefferson research. Links to the Scholars Commission Report on the Jefferson-Hemings Matter. Links to web pages that give full details of the controversal Jefferson-Hemings DNA Study. Book review of the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society book, The Jefferson-Hemings Myth, An American Travesty. Links to web pages regarding the Monticello Association and their overwhelming vote to disallow Hemings family members into their organization. Just about anything Jefferson begins here. Read of the misrepresentations by some evaluators, both in foundations, the media, academia, individuals and families. Links found here will even take you to early Jefferson/Jeaffreson research in England and describes the treck of the name through the West Indies into Virginia (presidential branch)and Maryland.
Thomas Osgood Bradley Foundation
A non-profit organization dedicated to researching and publishing the history and genealogies of New Englanders who removed to the River Plate Basin area prior to 1850.
Thomaston, Maine.
Thompson-Ames Historical Society
New Hampshire.
Three Creeks Historical Association
Lowell, Indiana.
Three Lakes Genealogical Society
Three Lakes, Wisconsin.
Three Lakes Historical Society
Three Rivers Historical Society
South Carolina.
Three Village Historical Society
Setauket, Suffolk, New York.
Cambridgeshire, England.
Thurrock Local History Society
Thurrock, Essex, United Kingdom. The archaeology, landscape and local history of Thurrock, Essex, UK including society meetings, events and our annual publication - Panorama.
Tidewater Genealogical Society
The Hugh S. Watson Jr. Genealogical Society of Tidewater, Virginia.
Located in Tinley Park, Illinois, southwest suburb of Chicago, Illinois.
Tinmouth Historical & Genealogical Society
Tinmouth, Vermont.
Tioga County Historical Society
Harlingen, Texas. Genealogical research in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
Tip-O-Texas Genealogical Society (Facebook)
Harlingen, Texas.
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