Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. Mersey Branch
Mersey, Tasmania, Australia.
Tate County MS Genealogical & Historical Society
Senatobia, Mississippi.
Tay Valley Family History Society
Includes the former counties of Angus, Perthshire, Fife and Kinross in Scotland.
Taylor County Genealogical Societies
Taylor County Genealogical Society
Medford, Wisconsin. A chapter of the Wisconsin State Genealogical Society.
Taylor County Historical and Genealogical Society
Grafton, West Virginia.
Tazewell County Genealogical & Historical Society
Pekin, Illinois.
Tazewell County Historical Society
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Family Research Group Inc.
Tea Gardens, New South Wales, Australia.
Tea Tree Gully & District Historical Society
Tea Tree Gully, South Australia, Australia.
Tehama County Genealogical and Historical Society
Red Bluff, California.
Telelaget of America - A Norwegian-American bygdelag
Bloomington, Minnesota.
Temecula Valley Genealogical Society
Temecula, California.
Ontario, Canada.
Templars of Honor and Temperance
Templars of Honor and Temperance originates in the U.S.A. In 1840, six craftsmen of Baltimore organised what was to become a temperance revivalist movement. A more strictly organised society, the Order of Sons of Temperance, was established in 1842. No 1. On 5 December 1845, the first officers were installed and that day is recorded as the birthday of the Temple of Honour. In 1938, at the Order
Tenbury Wells & District Civic & Historical Society
Worcestershire, England.
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