Family Tree Genealogical and Probate Research Bureau Ltd.
Professional research service covering the area of what was formerly the Austro - Hungarian Empire, including: Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Transylvania, Croatia, Slovenia, former Yugoslavia (Banat), and the Ukraine (Sub-Carpathian).
Ken McKinlay, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Family Tree P.I. - Genealogy Research Services
Research service.
Family Tree Packages Trace Your Ancestors professional genealogist genealogy research services
Family Traits UK genealogical services.
An experienced and friendly Family Tree Researcher available to research your family tree. Traces ancestors in the UK, US and other countries. Consultations provided free of charge. Supplies birth, marriage and death certificates.Helps adults who were adoptees to trace their birth families. Also available to hire for local historical photography services and research. This includes photographing your ancestors gravestones, and even placing flowers on graves.In addition, the site provides free information such as the Coventry Blitz Resource Centre, Coventry and Warwickshire Home Guard, and the largest free online Dictionary of Old Occupations.There is also a growing collection of information about Coventry's historical buildings which are disappearing or in need of preservation.
UK based family tree researcher and Coventry WW2 Blitz information.
The purpose of the business, Family Tree Restoration, is to provide a research service for the client’s four generation pedigree or to extend existing pedigree lines by adding family group records in addition to producing an ancestral family history. This part-time business is owned by Deena L. Goodale, sole proprietor and family history researcher, who specializes in researching family trees for lineages in the United States, covering the nineteenth and twentieth century time period, with an emphasis in Arizona research and experience in the western and midwestern states and New York state.
Heather Nowlan, genealogist and family historian based in Northamptonshire. A member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and a student member of the Register of Qualified Genealogists (RQG), and on the Board of Trustees at The Society of Genealogists. Also an AGRA Associate and ProGen 57 Alumni.
Family Tree Service will create family trees tailored to the individual, ideal for a unique present or just someone with an interest in their heritage. Our dedicated professional team will carefully research your ancestry providing you with an invaluable and accurate insight into your family history. Specialising in British genealogy, particularly Yorkshire, but also Jewish ancestry.
Professional genealogical research.
Family history clues unravelled by a friendly and knowledgeable family historian with experience of building English and Scottish family trees.
Family Tree? Professional Genealogist Enjoys Solving Problems!
Professional researcher in London, England, with 10 years experience.
Family Tree. Ancestors Search - Abueling.com
Family tree design. Genealogical researches in Spain, Europe and Latin America. Spanish Heraldry. Free templates and charts.
Professional Genealogist based in Yorkshire, UK. Specialising in personalised Family Trees and Family History Books. Researching 1800s & 1900s across England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, USA, Australia and some areas of Europe. 20+ years experience.
Providing a professional genealogical research service for Northern Ireland.
Services for historical and genealogical research in South-Germany. Investigation can be undertaken in Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg and the neighboring regions. I am a professional historian and genealogist. I would be happy to help you to find your German roots. Carolin NONINO-KEISS, Grossaitingen, Bavaria, Germany.
familyinvestigators.com - Family History Research & Genealogy In The UK
Order UK Birth/Marriage & Death Certificates and have them emailed worldwide. Help with UK ancestors. UK research and assistance at hourly rates - no job too big or small.
FamilyNet - Genealogical Research in England and Scotland
FamilyNet, Ltd. provide a comprehensive range of professional genealogical research services in England or Scotland. Their Web site includes three databases of requests for information submitted by family historians around the world.
Family tree, genealogy and heritage research service for everyone who has Hungarian roots.
For those who want to dig up their roots and climb their family tree.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - F
182 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers