Resources for Northern Ireland research.
Nidex - Northern Ireland Genealogy
Links to Northern Ireland genealogy and family history web sites.
On the Ancestral Trail: Our Irish Connections
A blog space which supports finding and sharing information about our Irish ancestors.
Sources for Research in Irish Genealogy
Bibliography from the Library of Congress.
A one window, megasearch engine for surnames. Can simultaneously search various databases using only one input screen. Includes CGI (LDS Mormons) Ireland, Ancestral File (LDS Mormons) Ireland, Geneanet Ireland, Google, genealogy Ireland, Google News Genealogy Ireland, Rootsweb message board Ireland, Ancestry.com, Email Finder Ireland, White Pages Ireland.
Surname Studies (formerly Modern British Surnames)
Surname Studies is devoted to the resources available for the study of the distribution, incidence and statistical analysis of the surnames of Britain, mainly post-1837, and primarily as a mass phenomenon.
The Clans of Ireland Ltd., established in 1989 to co-ordinate the activities of the Irish Clans. The website includes an online Register of Irish Clans, an up-to-date Calendar of Events, and much more.
A radio show broadcast on Raidio Corca Baiscinn, a community radio station based in County Clare. The weekly show is dedicated to Irish genealogy.
The Irish Archives provides thousands of Irish genealogy links categorised for the use of researchers. This is family history research made easy: point, click, and read.
Dedicated to helping you find British your roots. The Genealogist is all about family history research and discovering your ancestors using a wide variety of data from 1100 through to the present day. Covering birth, marriage and death records, census records, parish records, nonconformist records, will records, military records and more.
Genealogical sources of information for the United Kingdom, including England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
The Treasury re-imagines and reconstructs through digital technologies the Public Record Office of Ireland, a magnificent archive destroyed on June 30th, 1922, in the opening engagement of the Civil War. This is an open-access resource, freely and permanently available online to all those interested in Ireland’s deep history at home and abroad. Together with our partners across Ireland and around the world, we are democratizing access to invaluable records and illuminating seven centuries of Irish history.
Your Irish Heritage - Connecting Irish Surnames and Places
Find out more about your Irish surname and the places it comes from in Ireland and lots more about your Irish heritage.
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