A blog dedicated to Irish family history and genealogy. Includes hints, tips, news and reviews on topics that appeal to historians and genealogists with an interest in Ireland.
The website dedicated to helping you search for family history records for past generations. We have recently introduced a new search facility to explore a number of on-line sources of genealogical information e.g. the 1901 and 1911 census returns, in addition to the church records which were already available on the site. The site will provide an information point for people starting to research their Irish ancestors.
All the latest news and developments in Irish genealogy. In addition to tips and advice, details of events, lectures and fairs in Ireland and timely discount offers from major databases, you can also keep up to date with the release of important new collections where even your most elusive Irish ancestor might be discovered.
Forum contains Indexes to Flax Growers, Griffiths Valuation 1861-62 for Co. Antrim, 1851 Census and more.
Irish Genealogy Research Experts | ProGenealogists - Ireland
Web site includes Irish Genealogy Sleuth list of links; Learning Center with online articles and resources; searchable databases to find records; News and Events.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Free and independent guide to finding your Irish ancestors
Irish Passenger Lists Research Guide - Irish Immigration Records
A bibliography of books, CD-Roms, microfilm & online databases for finding Irish immigration records in the U.S.
Search 100s of databases covering all Irish Counties. Databases include 19th century residents directories; griffiths valuations; newspaper reports of births, deaths and marriages; teachers and alumni lists; and so much more.
A genealogy website with free Family Tree Builder for the Irish Diaspora.
Island Ireland - Irish Genealogy & Local History
Links to Irish web sites for history and genealogy.
Links and brief articles about Irish genealogy.
Moving Here - 200 Years of Migration to England
Online searchable database of digitized photographs, maps, objects, documents and audio items recording migration experiences of the past 200 years.
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
MyHeritage - Northern Ireland $
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Search over 1 million Griffiths Valuation records by name, county, parish or townland. County discussion boards and links.
Networking for Leisure: Community and Information Seeking in Genealogy
A project which explores networking and information seeking in the amateur genealogy community. Participation involves answering a short questionnaire about your genealogy interests, after which you will be assigned a password to enter a private listserv. The listserv offers you a space to talk about your hunt for your Irish ancestors with other amateur genealogists searching for their Irish roots. A list of surnames is available within the listserv area and participants can contact others looking for the same surnames. This study is part of a university research initiative. Participation is voluntary and all information included in the final report will be anonymous. This research is supported by a grant from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS).
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