Genealogy of the Mensink family from Zwolle Netherlands.
Descendants of Jean Baptist MERIAN who immigrated from Oberentzen, Alsace in 1849.
From Basel, switzerland, to the entire word, the story of the family.
Established by descendants of Nicholas Meriwether I (1631-1678).
For the MESSER surname. Messer, Parton and allied lines of Western NC and Eastern NC and regions beyond.
Home Page of the METCALFE Society devoted to researching the name Metcalfe and all its variants, including Medcalf, Metcoff and the like. Society was founded in the UK in 1980 and has more than 450 active members worldwide.
The MIDDLEMISS Family, 1769 -- 1996, From Berwick-on-Tweed to New Zealand
Descendants of Andrew MIDDLEMIST, born 1769 in Berwick On Tweed.
Middour, Mittauer, Mittower.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
The MILAM Family History and Genealogy Archives
The largest online Milam Family database in the world. Dedicated to finding and sharing ALL available information on the World-wide Milam family.
Central contact point for those interested in the Millington surname.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
The MINK Family Genealogy Page
Descendants of William Mink, possibly a Prussian Soldier that came to the United States during the Revolutionary War. The majority of the MINKs settled and branched out from the Claiborne County, Tennessee area.
The MISNER, MISENER, MISENAR, MISENOR, MIZNER, MIZENER Family of North America Data Homepage
Alphabetical list of all found deceased male members of the various MISNER, MISENER, MISENAR, MIZNER and MIZENER families in Canada and the U.S.A. from the early 1700s to the middle 1900s. Other variants of the name, MEISNER, MEISSNER, etc., are included. Some pictures included.
Features Mitchell DNA testing results, pedigrees, forum, discussion of immigrant ancestors, and more.
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