The purpose of this website is to share Malo genealogy and socio-historic information as related to the Malo family. The project traces the descendants of Jean Hayet dit St Malo (1639 -1721) throughout Canada and the United States.
An organization of MALOYs on the internet.
maltbyancestors.co.uk - Meet Your MALTBY Ancestors
Research into the history of the MALTBYs. We have almost every MALTBY born in England and Wales on family trees.
A website about Sebasti
Information about the family von MALTITZ.
A history of the MANDEVILLE family prepared by George Roger Gilbert.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Website for the new book, Oh, For a Touch of the Vanished Hand Discovering a Southern Family and the Civil War. The book features genealogy, family history and regimental history associated with the MANGHAM families of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Florida. Complete genealogical appendix, index and bibliography.
The Mangiaracina Family Website is a tribute to all Mangiaracina's throughout the World and to all of their ancestors. Enjoy pictures, stories, family tree's and much more. Track down or submit information on your Mangiaracina family.
Descendants of James and Hannah (NOONAN) MANNING. Hannah Noonan was born in Ireland, 1858, to Daniel and Mary Noonan.
MANSERGH family dating back to 1600's in Ireland (Tipperary and Cork), and spreading through many countries of the world.
MANSFIELD Family Record, Jefferson County, Ohio, 1797 to date.
Descendants of James MANTEL b. 1771 Salop, UK. Other surnames: PAINTER, CRANMER, YOUNG.
MAPLETOFT Family Worldwide Connection
Spans the globe from the UK to USA, Canada and Australia.
One-name study of MAPSTONE and MAPSTON worldwide.
MARBLE Family Genealogy Homepage
Includes Marble surname index, corresponding spouse surname index, and descendant family pages for more than 9,000 Marble surname individuals. Includes surname variants: MARBLE, MARABLE, MARVEL, MARVELL, MARVELLE, MARBEL, MARBELL, MARBELLE.
The Family History of Thomas J March and Elizabeth Powell, Australia.
Descendents of Thomas Joseph MARCH and Elizabeth POWELL
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