Everything CARMICHAEL on the web.
History and searchable genealogy of the CASE (KASE) Family of Hunterdon County New Jersey.
Descendants of Ephriam Alpha CASE, born around Albany, New York in 1823.
CASSILLY Origins and Surname Genealogy Website
CASSILLY origins and ancestral home in Tiranny, co. Amagh, Ireland. Probably a member of the O'CAISILE sept of Armagh. Includes Forum.
History of the CASSIRER family from Breslau and Berlin to the Holocaust including Ernst CASSIRER and the 20th century philosophers, Paul Cassirer and the French Impressionists, Bruno CASSIRER and the Cassirer Press, Heinz CASSIRER and Max CASSIRER. Includes also the next generation.
CASSITY / CASSIDY Family Association
This is the offical website of the Cassity/Cassidy Family Association, featuring our database, research updates, history, queries, etc. concerning the genealogy of the CASSITYs and CASSIDYs of Kentucky and their allied surnames.
CASTLE of George's Creek in eastern Kentucky, from Germany to America.
Frederick CATER & descendants.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
History of the CATHCART Clan of Scotland.
Catherine PIQUET CLARKE: the journals
The Life and Times of an upstate New York family. The daily journal of Catherine PIQUET CLARKE starting in 1914. Catherine (1880-1972) was the youngest daughter of Peter J. PIQUET and Fanny L. WEST. She married Sidney H. CLARKE at age 15 in 1895. They lived in Volney, New York in Oswego County. Journals will be from 1914 to 1925 and 1961 to 1968.
An indepth 5 generation study of the Dorchester, Maryland CATOR families, including LeCOMPTE, PATTISON, ROBSON, BROHAWN, WATTERS, PAGAN, McNAMARA, HARLAN, TRAVERS, DOVE, SPILMAN, BREERWOOD.
The focus of the CATUDAL Genealogy blog is to discuss all things related to Catudal family history. Topics have included Soldiers of WWI and WWII, dit names, identifying pictures of unknown Catudal family members and just about anything else that has an impact on anyone coming from one of the many Catudal family lines.
CAUDILL family of eastern KY, NC, and other areas.
The primary purpose of this web page is to provide a forum for CAUGHLAN family members to share CAUGHLAN family information and history and also a starting point for CAUGHLAN descendants to become acquainted. Some allied family names are: CAUGHLAN, BEALL, GIGER, WARD, CHILDERS, HARPER, McCUE, KENDALL, KELLEY, DELL.
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