Carothers, Carruthers, Carrithers, Carrothers, genealogy...
History and genealogy for these families: CAROTHERS, CARRUTHERS, CROTHERS, CARUTHERS and related families such as BELL, BRUCE, DOUGLAS, ELLIOT, MAXWELL, JOHNSTONE, HOGE, IRVING, GRAHAM, FERREEE, LIVINGSTONE, and SCOTT, both in the United States and Scotland.
The CARPENTER CD Project is a compilation of the various CARPENTER lines that came from France into England. Its primary focus is the American CARPENTERs. However it has English CARPENTERS and French CARPENTIERs along with MELUNs.
Descendants of William Carpenter of Providence, Rhode Island.
Carpenter Cousins is the home for the Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project, Carpenters' Encyclopedia of Carpenters, and Carpenter Sketches by Gene Zubrinsky. This website will be expanded in the future with more Carpenter and related surnames information.
Carpenter Sketches - Carpenters' Encyclopedia of Carpenters
Sketches and articles representing the most current and reliable scholarship concerning early generations of the CARPENTER families of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, and Providence, Rhode Island, and their ancestors - by Gene Zubrinsky.
From the book by Janice M. CARPER and Lois C. MARBERT 'The CARPERs of Carper Valley' an area near Winchester, VA.
CARR Family History - CARR Family Ancestors, Middlesex England
CARR, WINGATE, HYATT, PELLS, CLIMPSON from Middlesex, England.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
CARRICO: Y-chromosome DNA Surname Project
A Y-DNA project dedicated to surname CARRICO and any reasonable spelling variation, such as CARICO, CARRI
CARROLL - A journey from Scotland to settlement in Victoria, Australia
CARROLL, Robert Peter Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Doug Carroll's Genealogy research including Carroll, Pope, Littleton, Suttles, Newman, Smith and other names.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
And many variant spellings.
Early Virginia CARTER families.
Carter's Family History and Genealogy New Zealand
Carter family history, early settlers to New Zealand, 58th Regiment, passenger lists, Manukau settlements, Onehunga, Cornwallis, Huia, etc.
CARTERS Of Bell County Kentucky
Names and photos of CARTERS who lived in Knox and Bell County, Kentucky.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
CARTIER family of Quebec.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
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