Drake Software Genealogy Programs and Information
BIRDIE (British Isles Regional Display of IGI Extracts) for Windows, Buckinghamshire Posse Comitatus (1798), British Date Calculator and more.
eBay.co.uk Listings: Search for Genealogy
Online auction service for buying & selling.
Eneclann Ltd ENEC010 - Returning Home: Transatlantic Migration
CD-ROM containing passenger lists of travelers from North America to Britain and Ireland between 1858 to 1870. Owing to the threat of a Fenian uprising in Ireland, and because of the large numbers of Irishmen living in America, Dublin Castle ordered that the incoming passenger lists for all the major ports of Britain and Ireland, of passengers arriving from America, be submitted to them for scrutiny. Contains the names and details of over 42,000 passengers.
Online bookstore specialising in books about family history and related topics sponsored by the Federation of Family History Societies.
Family History Monthly (FHM) is the leading family and social history publication in the UK. Whether you're just starting out, or have been researching for years, FHM is the ideal research companion - helping you to find out more about every aspect of your ancestors' lives and tackling those tricky problems you encounter along the way. Each issue offers advice on tracing your family tree; articles on local, social and military history; spotlights on an area and an occupation; an online section and case studies to help you research your own heritage.
Publishers of handbooks and guides for UK family historians.
The outstanding postal-delivery periodical for UK genealogical research. Each monthly issue includes in-depth articles by internationally-recognized genealogists on the unique aspects of researching ancestors from the United Kingdom. Regular features include Questions & Answers, Pitfalls & Possibilities, News from the SoG and View from the Public Record Office. Hundreds of reader's surname interests are included in each issue along with a computer interest section. Family Tree Magazine's postal book service is outstanding for getting useful reference books on UK genealogy.
Listed & cross-referenced for use in England, that allow for differences in American and English usage.
Databases for sale on disc.
A London-based book publisher specializing in the restoration of old books, both fiction and non-fiction. More than 276,000 books available to read online, download as ebooks, or purchase in print.
Books containing photographic images from around Great Britain taken by Frith & Company beginning in the 1860s.
Genealogical.com - Great Britain/British
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
Unique never before published BMD registers, for England, Scotland and Wales in PDF format for instant download. Hundreds of genealogy and history Ebooks.
GENfair - the Online Family History Fair
GENfair offers a comprehensive range of genealogy publications in printed, microfiche and disk formats, published by UK Family History Societies and other suppliers. Search services, software and BMD Certificate services can also be purchased online as can memberships of the participating societies. GENfair has a secure credit card payment system.
Gibson Guides - Location Guides for Family and Local Historians
A set of guides to the whereabouts of records, available from the Federation of Family History Societies.
Higginson Book Company - Great Britain
Publishers, printers and booksellers since 1969. Specializing in American local history, genealogy, Civil War books, and historic maps. Located in Bristol, Connecticut.
A CD-ROM from the Office for National Statistics in the UK. It is a gazetteer produced annually on CD-ROM that allows a comprehensive listing of some 70,000 places in England and Wales to be pinpointed within a range of adminsitrative areas.
United Kingdom & Ireland » U.K. General » Publications, Software & Supplies
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