Begins with the earliest Maddox to America who settled in Jamestown in 1620, down to my grandfather Grant Maddox b. 1865 in KY and d. 1915 in Missouri. Includes images of marriage licenses, deeds, etc. as well as maps and pictures of places where our Maddoxes lived, and historical references.
A History of Brighton -- The McMASTER Family of Brighton
Story of Ernest Irvine McMaster, from Brighton, Ontario, Canada.
A McLAREN Migration - Scotland to California
Direct descendents of Peter McLaren, born about 1779 in Breadalbane, Perthshire, Scotland. The McLAREN family migrates from Scotland to Lanark, Ontario, Canada, to Vienna, South Dakota, to California. They marry into the McILQUHAM and WALKER and DIXON and WINCHESTER families along the way.
A history of the earliest MILAM (s) in Virginia beginning with Thomas MILAM (1738) of Orange County. William RUSH, Francis GREY, William DUFF and Robert GREEN. Glossary of colonial terms. Images of original documents, maps, plats and photos.
Ahnenforschung Familien MEYERSIECK aus Preu
MEYERSIECK, MEIERSIEK, MEYERSICK in Deutschland, Westfalen und den USA, Missouri und Michigan. Die MEYERSIEKS stammen aus dem Ravensberger Land in Westfalen.
Ancestry.com - Search Stories, Memories & Histories
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
The diary of Andrew S. McCLURE : 1829-1898.
Original source: McClure, Andrew S.,. The diary of Andrew S. McClure : 1829-1898.. Eugene, Or.: Reproduced by the Lane County Pioneer-Historical Society, 1973.
Original source: Minor, Manasseh,. The diary of Manasseh Minor : Stonington, Conn., 1696-1720.. unknown: Pub. by Frank Denison Miner with the assistance of Hannah Miner, 1988.
Ancestry.com - Wills, Probates, Land, Tax & Criminal
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Abstracts of the wills of the MATHER family
Original source: Rylands, J. Paul. Abstracts of the wills of the Mather family : proved in the Consistory Court of Chester, from 1573 to 1650. Boston, Mass.: Priv. print., 1991.
Genealogy of 17 branches of MURRAY families in Scotland going back to 1124. Including MURRAY of Tullibardin, Atholl, Stanhope, Philiphaugh.
Association des Familles MICHAUD, Inc.
This site describes Michaud Families'Association, explain their Coat of Arms, gives highlights of ancestor Pierre Micheau's life in New France.
Association Monneuse & Moneuse
Erforschung eines Namens weltweit von seiner Entstehung bis zur aktuellen Verbreitung. Verbindung von Geschichte, Genealogie und Onomastik. Monneuse, Moneuse, Moneuze, Monneuses, Monneusse international.
In the late 1600s there was an Eb and Ob Morse living in Portmouth, NH just north of the first iron furnace established in the colonies (Saugus Furnace in Lynn, Massachusetts). They were blacksmiths and dropped out of site in the very early 1700s though their father remained in Portsmouth, NH. Our Ebenezer Morse (of Virginia / South Carolina / Kentucky) has yDNA that matches that of descendants related to the parents of this Eb and Ob who had lived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and who were blacksmiths. Was the trade passed down in the family? Are we linked to the NH Morses, not just through yDNA, but also through the trade of blacksmith?
Research of the BROWN and MCLEARY family from Australia. Other names include NOTTAGE, SIDLER, GARRATT, NOEL, BLOWERS, BRYCE, BRAMLEY, WILSON and EAGLE.
A blog of narratives and charts concerning the names CALHOUN, MCKNIGHT, MCGRAW, and BOMBARD; ancestors from Ireland, Scotland, England, and Quebec who settled in the northeast US, mainly New England.
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