Genealogy of Jonathan and Louisa Ellen SHELBY COATNEY who lived in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Missouri.
COATNEY Surname List Home Page
A list for the discussion of the COATNEY Surname - any place, any time.
Descendants of James Harvey COATNEY and wife Margaret T. COATNEY (SMITH).
Site is an organized centralized collection of databases for all Cobb(s) families that have immigrated to America. Included is the COBB Archives, a collection of COBB data files (vitals, census, etc.) arranged by state. Special reports are added as received, such as The Cobbs of Fannin County, Texas (accessed from the archives).
Descendants of John (Earnest) COBBAN (1758-1813). Includes: Brodie, Wilton, Collins, Forsyth, Campbell.
A brief history of the Cobley family in Cheshire and their origins in Leicestershire, including the families Gamble, Berry, Neale, Rowe, Mountford, Parker, Povey, Redfern.
Descendants of James COCHRANE and Euphemia DONALDSON of Stoneykirk, Wigtownshire.
Cochrans of Mecklenburg - Untangling the Web
Investigations into the various Cochran families who settled in Mecklenburg, North Carolina in the 1760s.
This website celebrates 600 years of COCKERLINE family history. To this end, we are interested in all references to the COCKERLINE/COCKERLIN/COCKERLYNE family name - from earliest mention in the 1400s through to the present. For privacy reasons, through, few individuals born since 1900 are listed on this site, and for those who are listed, information is edited for privacy.
A brief histry of the Cockitt family of Cheshire including potted biographies of some of its more interesting characters.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
All COCKRELL, COCKRILL, COCKERILL families in America.
Descendants of Zedekiah and Tabitha OSBORNE CODY. Includes JOHNSON, FLETCHER, TIGNOR, ANDERSON, LAWSON.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
COEFFARD family of Quebec.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
COFFIN family in England for those looking for their roots in Devon, UK - ancient family church etc.
The Cogswell Family Association lists info on their Board of Directors, Membership, Meetings and Books about Cogswell history.
Descendants of Valentine GEIL of VA.
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