Features the full text biographies of numerous individuals and families with the ARMSTRONG family surname. These biographies were extracted from a wide variety of scarce and early county history and biographical volumes.
ARMSTRONG, Matthew, his parents and his wife's parents ???
An attempt to verify the parents of Matthew ARMSTRONG of Sumner County, TN and the fact that he married Sarah HOLLAND. All of Edgecombe County, NC.
Dedicated solely to Arney Genealogy. Descendants of Jacob Arney who died in Lincoln County, North Carolina in 1784.
A website dedicated solely to Arney genealogical research.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Arnold family genealogy from New York to Roberts, Ford County, Illinois.
ASHBROOK in Cheshire England from 1318 to present.
The Family History of ARNOTTs, STEVENS, VEDEROFFs and TUNIKs. Other surnames include BOTTENFIELD, AINSWORTH, TRAVIS, SAKKER, MUNRO, and ADAMS. Locations include Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Scotland and Russia.
ARNOTT Family Web Page: The Descendants of Henry ARNOT Sr.
ARNOTT descendants from Orange Co. NY, Monroe Co. WV, Roane Co. WV, and Meigs Co. OHIO. Other descendants include PHILLIPS, TRUESDALE, LOWE, LOVE and ROUSH.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
ARTERBURN DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
Background about genealogical research into origin of ARTERBURN family/surname, with results of current DNA testing to help find an Old World ancestor.
A research site for the surname ARTHUR, ARTHER, ARTHOR, ARTER.
A comprehensive source of information pertaining to the Artus surname in Great Britain.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
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