NCTTMGUG The North Carolina Triangle TMG Users Group
Meet monthly on the fourth Saturday of the month from approximately 9AM to Noon in local libraries or the local LDS Family History Center in Durham or Chapel Hill.
Nebraska Daughters of the American Revolution
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Nebraska State Genealogical Society
Databases, surname registry, member access area and information about annual conferences. Join the society directly from the web site.
A fraternal benefits society.
NEIGS - The Northeast Iowa Genealogical Society
The Northeast Iowa Genealogical Society was organized in 1970: To create and foster an interest in genealogy. To preserve genealogical and historical data, particularly of our ancestors and the pioneers of Black Hawk County, Iowa. To instruct and educate person interested in genealogy. Monthly meetings except July, August, December.
Nelson County Genealogical Roundtable
Bardstown, Kentucky.
Nemaha County Historical Society
Nemaha County Historical Society
Seneca, Kansas.
Nepean District Historical Society
New South Wales, Australia.
New South Wales, Australia.
Sorrento, Victoria, Australia.
Philadelphia, Mississippi.
Switzerland. Short queries or professional help on families that came from Neuch
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