National Catholic Society of Foresters
A fraternal benefits society.
United Kingdom.
National Ex-Prisoner of War Association
United Kingdom.
National Federation of Cemetery Friends
United Kingdom. Groups of volunteers dedicated to preserving their local cemeteries.
Arlington, Virginia. The National Genealogical Society, founded in 1903, is the premier national membership society for individuals, families, genealogical societies, family associations, libraries, and other groups that share a common interest in the field of genealogy. The NGS serves its members by: Providing genealogical skill development through education, information, publications, research assistance, and networking opportunities to all members of the society from the beginner to the most advanced professional genealogist; Establishing and promoting the highest standard of ethical research principles and scholarly practices; and, promoting interest in the fascinating field of genealogy by establishing important links with other groups worldwide and creating an even greater depth and breadth of knowledge and opportunities for our members.
National Railway Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
National Road Association of Illinois Updated
Effingham, Illinois.
Slovak fraternal organization.
National Society Children of the American Revolution
C.A.R., the nation's oldest, largest, patriotic youth organization, offers membership to anyone under the age of 21, lineally descended from someone who rendered material aid to the cause of American Independence as a soldier, sailor, civil officer, or recognized patriot in one of the several Colonies or States, or of the United States. C.A.R. activities focus on patriotism, service, and education about our American heritage.
National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century
Washington, D.C.
National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century
Members are descendants of early colonists to this country. Our members honor the hardships and heroism of those who sought spiritual and economic freedom in the wilderness of this new world.
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