Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society
Wichita, Kansas. The Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society collects, preserves and distributes genealogical and historical information, with emphasis on the preservation of Sedgwick County, Kansas heritage.
Kansas City, Missouri. A scrapbooking guild that plans monthly crops, classes, store crawls, product demos & retreats.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Miegunyah House Museum home of The Queensland Women
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Milam County (Texas) Genealogical Society
Rockdale, Texas.
Milam County Genealogical Society (Facebook)
Rockdale, Texas.
Part of the Suffolk Family History Society.
Mildura & District Genealogical Society Inc.
Victoria, Australia.
Milford Historical Record Society
Dorset, England.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
New Hampshire.
New Hampshire.
Military Historical Society of Australia
The Military Historical Society of Australia, publisher of the quarterly journal Sabretache, encourages the pursuit of study and research in military history, customs, traditions, dress, arms, equipment and kindred matters; the promotion of public interest and knowledge in these subjects, and the preservation of historical military objects with particular reference to the armed forces of Australia.
Military Historical Society of Minnesota
Little Falls.
Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States (MOFW)
The Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States (MOFW) is one of the oldest veterans' and hereditary associations in the nation with a membership that includes officers and their hereditary descendants from all of the Armed Services. Membership is composed of active duty, reserve and retired officers of the United States Armed Services, including the Coast Guard, who have served during one of the wars in which this country has engaged and/or is engaged.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Military Order of the Stars and Bars
Male descendants of the officers who honorably served in the Army, Navy and other commands of the Confederate States of America and male descendants of the elected and appointed civilian officials of the Confederate States; the national Confederate Government; or the Five Civilized Tribes which allied with the Confederacy, unite to establish The Military Order of the Stars and Bars, a patriotic and fraternal Society.
Milk River Genealogical Society
Chinook, Montana.
Millbrook & Cavan Historical Society
Ontario, Canada.
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