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Fairbanks Genealogical Society
Genealogy in Fairbanks, Alaska. Links and research available for the Interior of Alaska.
Official site of the Fairfax Genealogical Society of Fairfax County, Virginia, a non-profit organization. Describes the Society and its activities and presents information on research resources in the County and surrounding areas, including links.
Fairfax, Vermont.
Fairfield County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Lancaster, Ohio. A chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
Fairfield County Genealogy Society
Winnsboro, Fairfield County, South Carolina.
Fairwater Historical Society (Facebook)
Falbygdens Släktforskarförening / Falbygden Genealogical Society
Falbygdens, Falköping, Västergötland, Sweden.
Falmouth, Maine.
Familia Web Site - Familia: The Ancestral Research Association
Researching Mexico and the Southwest. A Hispanic and Indigenous genealogy association promoting the history and ancestral research of our membership, in order to understand our past and preserve our heritage. Promotes genealogy education in public schools and colleges. Westminster, Orange County, California.
Familiekunde Vlaanderen is the Flemish non-profit association of genealogists and counts approximately 4000 members. We are supported and recognised by the Flemish government. We offer genealogical information to everyone with Flemish ancestors.