Florida State Genealogical Society - Florida Pioneers
The Florida State Genealogical Society's Florida Pioneer Descendants Certification Program honors descendants of Florida pioneers whosettled in the Territory of Florida prior to Florida achieving statehood on 3 March 1845.
General Federation of Women's Clubs Pioneer Daughters Collection
The Pioneer Daughters Collection (H97-056) is the result of a statewide GFWC effort to collect and preserve the stories of female pioneers in South Dakota. Arranged by county, married name, and maiden name, this collection of nearly 6,000 stories is the largest body of women
Idaho Genealogical Society Certificates
Pioneer certificates, Early Settler certificates, and Oregon Trail certificates.
Idaho Genealogical Society: Pioneer Certificate, Early Settler Certificate, Oregon Trail Certificate.
Illinois Trails Coles County Website - Pioneer Certificate Project
Coles County, Illinois.
International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers (ISDUP, DUP)
Dedicated to honoring the names and achievements of the men, women, and children who founded Utah.
Pioneer, Century or Statehood Certificate
Logan County Genealogical Society - Application for Pioneer Certificate
Guthrie, Oklahoma.
The early Hispanic settlers of Alta California were called Californios or Californianos. Los Californianos was organized by their descendants to preserve the Hispanic heritage of Alta California (history, music, culture, infrastructure, etc.) and to help other descendants compile their Hispanic genealogy.
For descendants of a Hispanic person who arrived in Alta California prior to the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848.
Descendants of the Founders El Pueblo de Los Angeles, 1781.
Louisiana Genealogical & Historical Society -- First Families of Louisiana Program
Open to anyone (including Society non-members) who can prove descent from a resident of Louisiana (within the PRESENT-DAY boundaries) before 20 December 1803, the date the American flag was raised in New Orleans. This is meant to be an *educational* program and applications will be carefully evaluated.
Minnesota Territorial Pioneers
Members of the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers trace their ancestry to the pioneers who settled in the Minnesota Territory before the state of Minnesota was admitted to the union in 1858. The organization seeks to preserve pioneer heritage and encourage the study of Minnesota's history through organizational activities and community outreach.
Mitchell Area Genealogical Society - South Dakota Pioneer Certificates
How deep are your South Dakota Roots? If your ancestor resided in Dakota Territory before statehood (November 2. 1889), you are eligible for a Pioneer Certificate. If they resided in South Dakota during it's first twenty years of statehood (Nov 2, 1889 - Nov 2, 1909), you are eligible for an Early Settler Certificate. And if your ancestor resided in the state at least one hundred years ago, you are eligible for an Early Settler Certificate.
National Society Descendants of American Farmers
Founded in 2019, the National Society Descendants of American Farmers is a non-profit, non-political organization for descendants of American farmers who were living within the present boundaries of the contiguous continental states of the United States of America between July 4, 1776 - July 4, 1914.
Native Daughters of the Golden West
The Native Daughters of the Golden West is a fraternal and patriotic organization instituted in 1886. Dedicated to preserving California history, we have a library and archives in our NDGW home in San Francisco, California. Our Roster of California Pioneers and index contains over 35,000 biographical entries of people who were born or present in the state prior to 1870.
Native Daughters of the Golden West California Pioneer Project Master Surname Index
Online searchable database of over 33,000 pioneers. The Native Daughters of the Golden West maintain a permanent record of information concerning California Pioneers who resided or were born in California before December 31, 1869.
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