Genealogy research consultants & census books for sale.
Professional Danish genealogy research-team provide help with your family history.
Professional genealogy services.
Slægtshistorisker Lene Dræby Kottal / Lene Kottal Professional Genealogy
Professionel slægtsforsker (genealogist) in Odense S. Fin, Denmark.
Research service specialising in genealogy, local history research, and related photography in County Sligo, Ireland.
Slovak Ancestry - Slovak Genealogy Services
Michal Razus, researcher of Slovak and Rusyn genealogy, specializing in Eastern Slovakia.
Slovak Genealogy & Translation Service
Professional research is conducted in those former areas of the Austria - Hungarian Empire and Czechoslovakia which are now present day Slovakia.
Professional genealogist Stefan Conka (Kosice / Eastern Slovakia) specializing in eastern Slovakia.
SMB Genealogical Services is a Northern California-based business managed by Susannah Becker. Research services are focused on finding ancestors, fixing mistakes in family trees, and finding biological parents, siblings, or children. Focus is primarily on U.S. records from the late 1700's forward, with special focus on states including California, Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri. Internationally, focus areas include Irish, Swiss, and Danish research. DNA match analysis as well as traditional documentary research services are available.
SMSys Home Page for Family History Research in England & Wales
SMSys researcher, Stewart Millar, can professionally investigate and document your family history as a lasting tribute to previous generations.
Soldier Research Service - Kathryn's History Blog
A personal service researching soldiers from the First World War. With competitive pricing, Kathryn will write a custom report detailing the life and war service of your ancestor and provide you with all their surviving records. Based in Gloucestershire, England.
Military Record Research assistance, guides and useful links. Great source for those who need help getting started in or have come to a dead-end in researching their military ancestor. Also offers full service research option.
Sole Searching Genealogy & Historical Research
Ellen is a veteran Jewish records researcher and leader in genealogy activities worldwide. She has the capacity to complete projects solo or to recruit the right team of experts to collaborate and deliver outstanding results. Her lectures and articles are informative, energetic, and constantly evolving to provide current and relevant content for all types of audiences. As a volunteer in the genealogy world for 25 years, Ellen has held numerous leadership roles, organized records acquisition, indexed, and managed translation projects in the United States and abroad.
Solution Quest - Genealogical Research Solutions
Clayton, North Carolina.
United Kingdom, Somerset Field Research, Based in Bridgwater.
People tracing and investigations.
South & West Wales Genealogical Index
Research in Carmarthenshire, West Glamorgan, National Library of Wales, Public Record Office and the Society of Genealogists undertaken.
South Central Kansas Researcher
Specializing in Sedgwick and Cowley Counties.
A husband and wife genealogical freelance research team based in Cape Town, South Africa.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - S
166 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers