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Research site offering research services, cemetery photography, some family histories, free forms and scholarly papers.
a3Genealogy researchers are able to draw upon years of experience in family history and genealogical research. Our research extends pass the online searches and delves into Federal, State, and local repositories. Our goal is to perform an exhaustive search to meet your objective.
AAA Genealogy Researcher - Affordable Accountable Ancestry
Diane Tofte Kropp, Pearland, Texas.
Genealogical research for UK ancestors, specializing in Essex, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, and London, but all other UK counties covered. Also proofreading, editing, report writing, digital photography, and accompanying you to record centres in the UK.
Abel Associates - Probate & Genealogical Research
Rayleigh, Essex, UK.
Abilene Genealogical and Historical Research Services
Genealogical and historical research services for Taylor County, Texas and surrounding counties, Callahan, Nolan, Runnels, Jones, Fischer etc. on individuals, families, places, businesses, and events and much more. Will take photos, documents retrieval--birth, death, marriages, land deed, tiles, court records and much more.
Abruzzo Genealogy Research & Tours | Experience BellaVita
Learn more about your Abruzzese ancestors, visit their hometowns, meet relatives and more with your local Abruzzo experts at Experience Bellavita.
Abruzzo Genealogy: First Step to Find Your Roots in Abruzzo and Molise, Italy
A family research service for Italian roots in Abruzzo and Molise. What we can do for you: search for documents available from public agencies (eg municipalities, national archives); research of data about immigration in countries of US and South America; restoration of historical photo prints, their conservation and digital archiving; digital processing of images and creation of family books (with photos, diagrams and genealogical information); use of industry-leading software for the creation of family trees and family books.
Specializes in research in England, Wales, Ireland, Sweden, and the Continental United States.
Based in Georgia, AccuTrees is a nationwide genealogy service that specializes in accuracy and affordability. Services include a variety of ancestry charts, DNA testing, correcting errors in existing family trees, finding famous ancestors/relatives, publishing, and more. AccuTrees' mission is to please all customers by tracing their ancestry back as far as possible as long as there is proof to back up every connection between parents and children, and to do so at a reasonable, affordable price.
Achievements - Family History, Genealogy and Heraldry Research Kent
As part of the prestigious Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, based in Canterbury, Kent, we provide personalised family history research services, utilising exclusive resources to uncover your ancestral stories.
Achievements Ltd of Canterbury
England. Professional genealogical and heraldry research.
Actarchivi - Archiviazione e valorizzazione documenti
Professional research: Italian birthplace, immigration records, certificates useful for Italian citizenship, birth, marriage, death certificates in Italy, mainly in central regions (Abruzzo, Marche, Lazio and Toscana).
Adiem Historical Research - Philadelphia, PA
Adiem Research provides on-site research at any of the Philadelphia areas 200+ repositories.
Adopted? We Search for Birth Parents, Adoptees, Birth Families, Siblings
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A licenced professional researcher (also an adoptee/adoptive parent, both reunited) located in Ontario, expertise across Canada, New York State, California and Great Britain. Over 20 years experience. References can be supplied.
Adoption Search Services specializing in Missouri and Kansas.
Resources for Lake County, Illinois; Illinois; historic law; post-adoption; continuing education; and forensic genealogy. Debbie Mieszala is a professional genealogist and popular lecturer for genealogical seminars and institutes.
Genealogy research service specializing in Japanese American ancestry.
Genealogy tours to Skaraborg County in Sweden. Customised genealogy trips that allows the participants to find their family history combined with touring Swedish historical and culture highlights with their own guide.
UK-based genealogists, specialising in Lancashire ancestors. Research through the Lancashire record office. Services include full family trees and individual lookups.