Amy Brewitt Genealogy Research Services
Specializing in Canada (especially Ontario), the United States, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, but willing to research others as well. Free initial consultation.
Each project is unique, with different information needs. Amy's background in library and information science allows her to approach genealogy cases differently than most genealogists
Genealogical research in Ohio and Ohioans in the Civil War.
Ancestor Central | Finding Roots and Branches of Family Trees
Jennifer Zinck is a professional genealogist with more than a decade of research experience. Jennifer is a researcher, writer, and speaker who specializes in Connecticut resources and genetic genealogy.
Ancestor Explorer is a genealogy research services company located in Kansas City, Missouri.
Calgary, Alberta. Professional genealogical services and supplies.
Forensic Genealogy & Professional Family History by Mark A. Wentling, MLS, CG in the Boston-Providence metropolitan area with more than 25 years of experience connecting people with their unique family stories.
Tammy Tipler-Priolo, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.
Ancestor.ie is the professional genealogy organisation that will help you search for your Irish ancestry and discover your family history and surname origin. Ancestor.ie provides a comprehensive genealogical research service through a network of qualified researchers throughout the island of Ireland. We can undertake small individual searches, or help you overcome specific problems, or handle the entire project of planning, implementing and reporting research. We can write up family histories and family trees, investigate surname origins and look into all matters relating to heraldry and house histories. We can also advise on DNA tests for genealogy, heraldry, and adoption searches.
Kathleen Van Ausdal, specializing in United States, British Isles, Denmark, Germany.
A research service provided at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City. German research undertaken at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City. Week long research trips to the Family History Library, Salt Lake City.
AncestorFind - Unravel Your Past
South African based and designed to assist you in creating your family tree, assist with research, certificate applications including the UK for that elusive passport or Ancestral Visa, and much more.
AncestorMonth.com is the professional genealogy subscription service. Every month you receive a new detailed and documented research report on one or more ancestors in your family tree, researched by a trained professional genealogist. For the same price of membership on the research-it-yourself genealogy sites, you receive an hour of dedicated professional research,
I perform research and teach how to use multiple genealogical platforms in person or via Zoom. I have over 40 years' experience in research.
Ancestors in Poland - Emil Krasnodębski | Polish Genealogy
The highest professional skills and reliability in searching of your Polish ancestors. Since 2001 Emil has been doing thorough searches for the people of Polish origin worldwide.
United Kingdom. Professional genealogical research.
Professional genealogical research carried out in any part of the United Kingdom and Ireland. All national repositories and record offices accessed, and easy access to those in London and Eastern England, our base area. Choice of Family Tree packages. Also research tailored to meet clients' special requirements. Highly competitive rates.
Ancestors research in Holland (The Netherlands)
Researcher can send you copies of the official birth, marriage and death certificates and translations of them.
Ancestors South Africa - Genealogical Research Services
Professional personalised service of Heather MacAlister, a genealogist of more than 30 years. Founder of the Cape Town Family History Society and business manager of Ancestry24 for 9 years. No family is too big or too small and the utmost care and confidentiality is taken with every client. My research covers all provinces in South Africa and specialize also in Probate research and adoption.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - A
164 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers