The Free People of Color of Texas Project is an attempt to identify all Free People of Color who were born or lived in Texas prior to the Civil War. The list of surnames on this website include people in many counties of Texas and numerous other states.
African American genealogy and historical reference site for western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma.
Gens De Couleur Libre -The Free People of Color in New Orleans
History, surnames,links and group discussions on the Free People of Color in New Orleans.
Georgia African American Griots
Links to information on African Americans in Georgia, USA. Includes military, cemetary, census links, biographies and more.
List of 486 victims of lynchings in Georgia from the 1880s to the present.
Georgia People of Color Genealogy
Learn how to trace your Georgia ancestors of color, discover your slave ancestors in plantation documents, explore and find "free persons of color ancestors". Improve your health with our unique series of GenHealth articles.
In Living Memory | Your Iowa Resource on African-American Family History.
Our objective is to document the deaths of African-Americans who have ever lived in any community or county in Iowa. We specialize in archiving funeral home records, cemetery records, funeral programs, and obituaries. We also offer family history researching services. The main focus of this website is African-American but we have not limited ourselves only to it. If we receive any programs or obituaries we will post the information and handle your research requests.
Kentucky African American Griots
Dedicated to assisting all in pursuit of their African American ancestry in Kentucky by being a central depository for African American records of historical proportion such as Emancipation Orders, Deeds, Wills, Family Records, etc. through out the state of Kentucky. Our goal is to provide free genealogical research data pertaining to African American's for all to share in. Proud participant in the KyGenWeb/UsGenweb project.
Landscape of Liberation - The African American Geography of Civil War Tennessee
An interactive map showing the landscape of emancipation as it unfolded from 1861 to 1865. Every point on the map is linked to primary documents and images that tell the story of people, places, and events.
A collaborative project led by Mississippi State University as part of a coalition of institutions located within Mississippi and Alabama. The Lantern Project provides, for the first time, centralized and institutionally supported access to information in legal records documenting enslaved persons, including probate records, court records (orphans court, civil court, criminal court, and others), deeds, receipts, bills of sale, and other documents which were or could have been used as evidence in a trial, from across Mississippi and the Deep South.
Let It Be Known Project - Illuminating the Pre-Emancipation Records of the Lower Cape Fear Region
An online database of public documents relating to enslaved persons in New Hanover, Brunswick, Pender, Duplin, Bladen, Columbus, Sampson and Onslow Counties. The collection thus far includes deeds, wills, and newspapers.
Louisiana African American Archives
Resources for African Americans researchers with an interest Louisiana.
Dedicated to records that document the family and cultural heritage of African Americans in the historic rice-growing areas of South Carolina, Georgia and extreme northeastern Florida, an area that scholars and preservationists have identified as a distinct culture area.
Maryland: Charles County Enslaved Persons and Slaveholders
An indexing project which lists names of enslaved persons and slaveholders in Charles County, Maryland
Monroe County, WV African-American Research
West Virginia.
African-American » Locality Specific
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