From the Newark Public Library.
Carleton's Loyalist Index and The Book of Negroes
A Select Index to Names of Loyalists and their Associates Contained in the British Headquarters Papers, New York City 1774-1783, The Carleton Papers.
Charleston, South Carolina Property Owners
References property abstracted from Charleston, South Carolina Inventories, Appraisal, Sales books: real estate descriptions, church pews, property destroyed by Union troops during the Civil War, locations of refuge during the Civil War and property belonging to freedmen and freedwomen.
Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania Study $
Ebook from the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission.
Darlington County SC African American Genealogy
Source material from Darlington County, South Carolina, for African-American genealogical research, including slave references from deed books and Reconstruction records from the Field Office Records of the Freedmen's Bureau.
Delaware: Enslaved and Free Persons, and Slaveholders (1836-1851)
This database is an ongoing project to index the names of enslaved persons and free persons, and slaveholders in Delaware. Each entry refers to the source of the information.
Digital Library on American Slavery - People Not Property: Slave Deeds
A collaborative endeavor between the UNCG University Libraries, North Carolina Division of Archives and Records, and North Carolina Registers of Deeds among others. Working as an addition to and evolution of the Digital Library on American Slavery, the project is leading towards a unique, centralized database of bills of sales indexing the names of enslaved people from across North Carolina and the South.
Early African American Settlers
The largest rural African American settlement of freed and newly free slaves in the state of Wisconsin. Began in 1850 - 1940. Detailed info on Arms and Shivers families.
Eastern Kentucky African American Migration Project
The Eastern Kentucky African American Migration Project (EKAAMP) documents photos, oral histories, and other items related to African Americans in Eastern Kentucky.
Enduring Connections - Exploring Delmarva's Black History
The sources compiled in this database help reveal important elements of Black life on the Delmarva Peninsula including family relationships, community connections, the end of slavery, attempts to re-unite family members, work and wealth-building, and connection to the land and water.
Finding the Forgotten: Resources for Wilton's Black History - Wilton Historical Society
Wilton, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Florida Memory - Jefferson County Freedmen's Contracts
Sharecropping agreements from 1867
Florida: Leon County Enslaved Persons and Slaveholders - American Origins
This database is an ongoing project to index the names of enslaved persons and slaveholders in Leon County, Florida.
Fourth Generation Inclusive is a blog featuring historical documents of genealogical interest to researchers of North Carolina's free people of color. Documents are transcribed, abstracted or scanned, and posted with source citations and cross-references.
Free Blacks in Antebellum North Carolina
Genealogy blog about researching free Blacks in antebellum North Carolina.
African-American » Locality Specific
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