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- - Search Immigration & Travel
Passenger lists, citizenship, naturalization, and other immigration sources. has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
- - Washington, Naturalizations, 1853-1980
Original source: Washington Naturalizations, 1853
- - Washington, U.S., Arriving and Departing Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1965
Original source: Selected Passenger and Crew Lists and Manifests. National Archives, Washington, D.C. has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Chinese Exclusion Act Case Files
The purpose of this blog is to showcase the variety of information found in the Chinese Exclusion Act case files and to give guidance on how to locate information in the files. The focus is the files at the National Archives-Seattle from Record Group 85 pertaining to Seattle, Port Townsend, and Sumas, Washington; and Portland, Oregon. Although these files are located in Seattle, the subject of the file may have lived anywhere in the United States.
FamilySearch - Washington, Seattle, Passenger Lists, 1890-1957
This collection includes passenger and crew lists for those arriving in Seattle, Washington. Corresponds to NARA Publication M1383: Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Seattle, Washington, 1890-1957.
A bilingual, multimedia English-Russian digital library that tells the story of the American exploration & settlement of the West, the parallel exploration & settlement of Siberia and the Russian Far East, & the meeting of the Russian-American frontier in Alaska & the Pacific Northwest. From the Library of Congress. Includes digital images of maps, original documents & photographs.
SAMPUBCO, Washington Naturalization Indexes, Probates
Indexes for: Wills and Heirs, Surrogate's Records / Probate / Estate Files, Guardianships, Naturalizations, Miscellaneous Orders and Decrees, Letters of Administration, Letters Testamentary, Petitions for Administration, Proofs of Wills, Cemetery Burials, Renunications, Biographies. You can order copies of the original source documents for a small fee. This service pertains only to entries found in the indexes on this web site.
Washington State Digital Archives
Index and digital images of state and local vital, military and legal records for Washington State residents from the 1840s to date.