Rainy Day Research: The South Carolina Weekly Gazette
For 1783-1785. Items for this paper include mostly marriage and death notices, with some other types of articles showing up rarely. Items are also included from cities other than Charleston; as was common in this time period, the paper frequently prints news from other cities both in America and from Europe. Items from areas outside of Charleston are titled with their city of origin in the "Headline" column.
South Carolina Digital Newspaper Program (SCDNP)
More than 100 historical South Carolina newspaper titles and over 300,000 newspaper pages.
Texas Digital Newspaper Program - South Carolina Newspapers
Digitized newspapers through the Portal to Texas History.
The Ancestor Hunt - South Carolina Online Historical Newspapers Summary
A list of links to newspaper resources online for this state.
The South's Oldest Newspaper serving Georgia and South Carolina.
The United States Newspaper Program - South Carolina
Cooperative national effort among the states and the federal government to locate, catalog, and preserve on microfilm newspapers published in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present.
United States » South Carolina » Newspapers
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