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'Lower Carolina' - South Carolina
Almost Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About South Carolina - Its History and Its People
A Brief History of South Carolina
From the South Carolina Archives.
- - Events That Touched Our Ancestor's Lives - South Carolina, chronicles the events that touched our ancestors' lives - train wrecks, fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, mining explosions, ship wrecks, drownings, and accidents. Transcribed newspaper accounts, excerpts from historical books and photographs detail hundreds of life's tragedies that our ancestors' endured, from the 1800s to the 1950s. New material is being transcribed and added daily. Searchable. [The original link is gone. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Gullah Dialect and Sea Island Culture
Gullah is a creole form of English, indigenous to the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Georgia.
Ebook by Yates Snowden, Henry Gardner Cutler, 1920.
- - State Historic Preservation Office
SHPO identifies, evaluates, and protects the state's historic and cultural resources and seeks to educate South Carolinians about preservation issues and techniques/methods.
Description and history of South Carolina Ghost Towns.
Ebook by William Gilmore Simms , Mary Chevillette Simms Oliphant, 1918.