LDS Genealogy - New York Genealogy
40,000 New York genealogy record sources including births, marriage, deaths, census, cemeteries, newspapers and obituaries, city directories, church, immigration, probate, land, military, and historical records.
Library of Congress - New York: State Resource Guide
This guide provides access to digital materials related to the state at the Library of Congress, as well as links to external websites and a selected print bibliography.
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
New Horizons Genealogy - Search Free New York Genealogy and Family History Records Online
Including census, cemetery, military and other genealogical and historical records that can be used for your family history research.
New Horizons Genealogy blogging about all things genealogy related.
Genealogy and history of early New York.
Genealogy links and bibliography for New York divided into these sections: Churches, Cemeteries, Vital Records, Societies, Downloads.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
A free website that offers links to free lesser known genealogy resources related to New York State. There are 17 categories and over 600 links.
New York Genealogy Links - 10,001 Free Genealogy Sites
Hundreds of genealogy links relating to New York State, with the primary emphasis on New York City.
American History and Genealogy Project.
New York Local History & Genealogy
Affiliated with both The American Local History Network and the American History and Genealogy Project.
Contains the complete transcription of 'Genealogical and family History of Northern New York' by Orcutt.
NYG&B - New York Digitization and Indexing Project
Launched in 2017, the New York Digitization and Indexing Project aims to place thousands of records from across the state of New York online. The project is specifically focused on gathering, digitizing, and indexing records from New York's local towns and counties.
A one window, megasearch engine for surnames. Can simultaneously search various databases using only one input screen. Includes CGI (LDS Mormons) USA, Ancestral File (LDS Mormons) USA, Geneanet USA, Google, genealogy USA, Google News Genealogy USA, Rootsweb message board USA, Ancestry.com, Email Finder USA, White Pages USA.
Upstate New York Genealogy - Researchers Data Sources & Links
Tips and Hints for finding ancestors in Upstate New York.
United States » New York » General Resources
42 Links