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Blue Ridge Living History Society
Dedicated to the education of the public and the preservation of the memory of the 37th Regiment NC Troops; the 58th Regiment NC Troops; the 11th Battalion NC Home Guard; the 4th Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry (US); and mid-19th century civilians from the High Country area.
In support of the North Carolina State Archives.
The Historic Preservation Group grew out of a desire to preserve our heritage. As so many causes are born, it took the threat of extinction of portions of Civil War Battlefields to stir the public awareness. It was determined that historic preservation would bring to our area, tourism, economic growth and awareness of Kinston and Lenoir County's place in history. North Carolina.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - North Carolina
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
Genealogy, DNA and archaeology. The Lost Colony Research Group is composed of staff members, interested parties and possible descendants who have joined together for research and study. We all are volunteers who have a desire to know what happened to the Lost Colonists, and others who were left on the shores of the New World.
Created to honor Melungeon heritage. Melungeon Historical Society is dedicated to documenting the Melungeons, one family at a time. Core names, Gibson, Goins, Collins, and more. Areas are Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, and the Carolinas.
Dedicated to our early German ancestors who arrived in America and for the Society's purposes includes New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, and the Carolinas.
NCTTMGUG The North Carolina Triangle TMG Users Group
Meet monthly on the fourth Saturday of the month from approximately 9AM to Noon in local libraries or the local LDS Family History Center in Durham or Chapel Hill.
North Carolina Chapter of Association of Professional Genealogists.
North Carolina Division United Daughters of the Confederacy
Lest it ever be forgotten. The historical, educational, benevolent, memorial and patriotic preservation of southern heritage.
North Carolina Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Confederate Genealogy (lineage) research, self help and professional service, particularly for NC families but serving all Southern families, provided by the NC Sons of Confederate Veterans lineage organization.
North Carolina Friends Historical Society
The Historic Preservation Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.