North Carolina Historical Publications Shop
Publications offered by the Historical Publications Section of the Office of Archives and History.
Records of the Moravians of North Carolina
Series from the North Carolina Office of Archives & History.
Reminiscing Books - Where History Comes Alive
Books by Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, about North Carolina ancestors.
Over 800 genealogical research documents such as birth records, death records, deed books, maps, newspaper abstracts, will books and more for counties in Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Over 900 books covering records from Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky.
Southern Historical Press, Inc.
Southern Historical Press is a book publisher specializing in genealogical abstracted material for the Southeast states of: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North & South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
Weynette Parks Haun (Amazon.com)
Publications by Weynette Parks Haun. North Carolina court records & land entries for sale - transcribed verbatim. Deed abstracts include deed book and page numbers, dates, granters/grantees, land descriptions & or locations, witnesses, date of probate. Full name index Rev. Army accounts as well.
United States » North Carolina » Publications
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