Online Historical Newspapers Website
The purpose of the site is to have links to all online newspapers in one place, listed by county and city. It is meant to be used as an aid to genealogists, historians, and other researchers.
Texas Digital Newspaper Program - North Carolina Newspapers
Digitized newspapers through the Portal to Texas History.
The Ancestor Hunt - North Carolina Online Historical Newspapers Summary
A list of links to newspaper resources online for this state.
The Biblical Recorder, 1834-1970 - ZSR Library
The Biblical Recorder is the official journal of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Currently published biweekly, it has been in existence since 1833, when it was founded by Thomas Meredith, a Baptist pastor in New Bern, North Carolina. The Z. Smith Reynolds Library's North Carolina Baptist Historical Collection is the official repository for North Carolina Baptist churches and institutions. We hold one of the most complete runs of The Biblical Recorder, and it is the most heavily used collection in the archives. At the Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University.
An African-American newspaper printed in Charlottesville from 1933-1935, excellent source for understanding the lives of Charlotteville's African Americans during the Jim Crow period.
The United States Newspaper Program - North Carolina
Cooperative national effort among the states and the federal government to locate, catalog, and preserve on microfilm newspapers published in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present.
United States » North Carolina » Newspapers
36 Links