Professional research services. Includes a library of resources covering Carver, Dakota, Kandiyohi, Sibley & Monongalia counties in Minnesota.
Northland Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Old Northwest Genealogy is a genealogy research company specializing in 18th and 19th-century research with an emphasis on Land, and Probate records. My area of research concentrates on the Midwest States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota however I do have experience in numerous other states as my research has often led to the far reaches of the United States. I also do Record Retrieval, Record Transcription and Abstracting, Family Histories, as well as Lineage and Heritage Society Assistance.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness - Minnesota
A list of volunteers who are willing to help you with your research in this locality.
Red Bird Genealogy Services | Elizabeth Williams Gomoll, Certified Genealogist
Research and other genealogy services offered by professional genealogist, Elizabeth Williams Gomoll, based in St. Paul/Minneapolis. Offering a full range of genealogy services: ancestor hunting, finding place of origin, client-assisted research, writing, editing, presentations, Minnesota record look-ups. Primary geographic focus is Upper Midwest and Sweden.
The Formidable Genealogist was created by two women, Jen Shaffer and Holly Bokelman, with a love of solving the mysteries of family histories, finding long lost biological relatives through DNA and preserving the memories of our ancestors. Located in the Minneapolis and Omaha areas.
Professional genealogists willing to bend over backwards to help with any genealogical problem big or small. They work all over but have many specialists in Minnesota.
United States » Minnesota » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
27 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers