Fold3 - War of 1812 Pension Application Files
War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, compiled ca. 1871 - ca. 1900, documenting the period 1812 - ca. 1900. ARC Identifier 564415 / MLR Number A1, Entry 3. Fold3 is an online repository for original historical documents, combined with the ability for users to make comments, annotations, and upload their own documents. The focus of Fold3 is to be a comprehensive collection of U.S. Military records. Some areas of Fold3 are free to use, while others can be freely searched and then viewed with a paid subscription.
Forces: U.S. & Coalition/Casualties
List of casualites from the Second Gulf War.
Located in Boise, Idaho.
eCIMS - Military Reserve Cemetery
Searchable database and map.
Genealogy Quest - Boxer Rebellion 1900-1901
The following men were killed or wounded during the Boxer Rebellion in China.
Genealogy Quest - Cherokee Nation Pensioners, 1883
A list of pensioners in the Cherokee Nation on the pension roll on 1 January 1883. Included are the pension certificate number, post office address of pensioner, cause for which pensioned, the rate of the pension per month and the date the pension was originally allowed. The original list was ordered by post office address but we have arranged it by name for ease of searching.
Genealogy Quest - Chickasaw Nation Pensioners, 1883
A list of pensioners in the Chickasaw Nation on the pension roll on 1 January 1883. Included are the pension certificate number, post office address of pensioner, cause for which pensioned, the rate of the pension per month and the date the pension was originally allowed. The original list was ordered by post office address but we have arranged it by name for ease of searching.
Genealogy Quest - Choctaw Nation Pensioners, 1883
A list of pensioners in the Choctaw Nation on the pension roll on 1 January 1883. Included are the pension certificate number, post office address of pensioner, cause for which pensioned, the rate of the pension per month and the date the pension was originally allowed. The original list was ordered by post office address but we have arranged it by name for ease of searching.
Genealogy Quest - Creek Nation Pensioners, 1883
A list of pensioners in the Creek Nation on the pension roll on 1 January 1883. Included are the pension certificate number, post office address of pensioner, cause for which pensioned, the rate of the pension per month and the date the pension was originally allowed. The original list was ordered by post office address but we have arranged it by name for ease of searching.
Genealogy Quest - Dismissed Cadets 1802-1835
Register showing the name of all cadets who were dismissed from the Military Academy of the United States at West Point from its origin until 1835.
Genealogy Quest - Michigan Soldiers in the Patriot War, 1838-1839
A list of the volunteer soldiers serving in Capt. Isaac Rowland's Independent Company, Brady Guards, Michigan Militia.
Genealogy Quest - Resigned Officers, 1836
A list of the captains and subalterns of the army who tendered their resignations during the year 1836.
Genealogy Quest - Seminole Pensioners, 1883
A list of Seminole pensioners on the pension roll on 1 January 1883. Included are the pension certificate number, post office address of pensioner, cause for which pensioned, the rate of the pension per month and the date the pension was originally allowed. The original list was ordered by post office address but we have arranged it by name for ease of searching.
GenealogyBank.com - Search Historical Documents 1789-1980
Find military records, casualty lists, Revolutionary and Civil War pension requests, widow's claims, orphan petitions, land grants and much more including all of the American State Papers (1789-1838) and all genealogical content carefully selected from the U.S. Serial Set (1817-1980). More than 133,000 reports, lists and documents. New content added monthly.
Homelake Veterans' History Museum
The former Colorado Soldiers' and Sailors' Home in the San Luis Valley at Monte Vista, Colorado. It includes a Veterans Database with more than 8,000 veterans who were either born, lived, or died in the San Luis Valley are listed. Records for Homelake Residents with numbers 1 through 1869 are completed. This includes the the year 1891 through May, 1922.
This database indexes the names of Illinois Mexican War veterans appearing in the ninth volume of the publication, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois (1902). In 1881 U. S. War Department clerks transcribed the Illinois rosters from their records and sent copies to the Adjutant General for publication. The 1882 Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois first included Mexican War veterans. The names of approximately 6,500 men, organized into the First through the Fourth Regiments and four independent companies, are found in the 1882 report and the 1902 republication. As the Fifth and Sixth Regiments did not see active service, the publications do not include rosters for these units.
Illinois State Archives Databases - 1929 Illinois Roll of Honor
This database indexes the 1929 publication, Roll of Honor, which contains the locations of the burial places of soldiers, sailors, marines, and army nurses who served in any of the wars of the United States and are buried in Illinois. The database contains more than 72,000 names.
Illinois State Archives Databases - Illinois Black Hawk War Veterans
This database of Black Hawk War Veterans indexes the first volume of Ellen M. Whitney's The Black Hawk War 1831-1832. That volume contains a comprehensive listing of Illinois' Black Hawk War soldiers. It includes the muster rolls for all of the 1831 and 1832 companies including 2 Indian companies. Approximately 1800 men served in the 1831 campaign and 9000 in the 1832 campaign. The Illinois State Historical Library possesses in either original or on microfilm the records from which this information was extracted.
Illinois State Archives Databases - Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls
The Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls database is a transcription of each soldier's entry in the record series, Muster and Descriptive Rolls (RS 301.020). The database contains information about over 285,000 soldiers from Illinois who served in the Union Army during the War of the Rebellion.
Illinois State Archives Databases - Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home Residents (1887
This database indexes the names of male residents of the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home admitted from its opening in 1887 through September 1916. Female residents are also included from their first admissions in 1908 through September 1916. The database contains more than 14,000 entries
Illinois State Archives Databases - Illinois Spanish
This database of Illinois Spanish
Illinois State Archives Databases - Illinois War of 1812 Veterans
This database indexes the names of Illinois militiamen listed on the War of 1812 muster rolls included in the ninth volume of the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois (1902). The original muster rolls, first published in the Adjutant General's 1882 report, record approximately 1500 names appearing in 24 rosters of officers, companies or units. The rosters, covering the Indian wars of 1810-1814, are incomplete. Unfortunately the original records, having never been transferred to the Archives' custody, are lost. The 1902 publication also includes histories of the 1810-1814 Indian campaigns.
Illinois State Archives Databases - Illinois Winnebago War Veterans
This database indexes the names of 412 militiamen found on 1827 company rosters of the 20th Regiment of mounted volunteer riflemen included in the record series, Militia Files (RS 301.004).
Illinois State Archives Databases - llinois Civil War Veterans of Missouri Units
This database indexes names of 5,610 Illinois citizens appearing on the rosters of Missouri's Federal Civil War units. Illinoisans occasionally joined military units raised in other states. In December 1863 the Missouri Adjutant General compiled rosters of Illinois men, extracting the names from his unit rolls.
Illinois State Archives Databases - llinois Civil War Veterans Serving in the U.S. Navy
This database indexes the Archives' record series, Roster of Illinois Men in the U.S. Navy During the Civil War (RS 301.022). This record of approximately 3,000 men came from the Illinois Adjutant General.
Index to NARA RG 21 M1648 - Three of the five rolls indexed were petitions filed by WW1 soldiers stationed at Camp Humphries, now Ft. Belvoir. Counties include Arlington, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William & Stafford and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas & Manassas Park.
Todd County, Kentucky.
Interment.net - Search All U.S. Veterans Cemeteries FREE
Veterans cemetery records published here were acquired from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery Administration, and the American Battle Monuments Commission, and presented here for family history and local history research. These cemetery records and transcriptions have been left unedited for purposes of illustrating what the original records reflect.
Japanese American Military Experience Database | Discover Nikkei
The Japanese American Military Experience National Database is developed and maintained by the Manabi and Sumi Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum. Its purpose is to preserve and share the stories of Japanese American men and women who have served in the United States military. Starting off as just a basic list of names and units*, the database has since been enriched with personal recollections, first-person narratives, and photos of veterans gathered through the National Museum
La Crosse County Wisconsin Veterans
Grave locations and information on war veterans 1800-1900 buried in La Crosse county.
United States » U.S. Military » Records: Military, Pension, Burial, Casualties
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