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2nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry - A Civil War Re-enacting and Information Page
Canadians involvement in the American Civil War. Why they fought, Soldiers Bio's, Canadian Women in the ranks and much more info.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] - - Michigan men in the Spanish American War
Original data: Porter.. Michigan men in the Spanish American War. Detroit, Mich.,: unknown, 1990.
- - Search Military Records has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
A hundred battles in the West : St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65 : the Second Michigan Cavalry with the armies of the Mississippi,
Original source: Thatcher, Marshall P.. A hundred battles in the West : St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65 : the Second Michigan Cavalry with the armies of the Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky and Cumberland, under Generals Halleck, Sherman, Pope, Rosecrans, Thomas and others, with mention of a few of the famous regiments and brigades of the West. Detroit, Mich.: Facsimile reprint by Detroit Book Press, 197-?.
Alphabetical general index to public library sets of 85,271 names of Michigan soldiers and sailors individual records
Original source: Alphabetical general index to public library sets of 85,271 names of Michigan soldiers and sailors individual records. Detroit: Reprinted by the Detroit Book Press, 196-?.
An historical sketch of the Seventh Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry : from its organization in 1862, to its muster out in 1
Original source: Isham, Asa B.. An historical sketch of the Seventh Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry : from its organization in 1862, to its muster out in 1865. New York: Town Topics Pub. Co., 1893.
Michigan Military Records, 1775-1836
Original source: Michigan Military Records. n.p., 1920.
- - U.S., Military Burial Registers, 1768-1921
Original source: Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations, 1768-1921. Microfilm Publication M2014, 1 roll; ARC ID: 4478153. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92; National Archives in Washington, D.C. has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Burial sites for the 4th Michigan Volunteer Infantry who served our country between 1861-1866
The purpose of this website is to present pictures of the graves and information about the soldiers who served during the Civil War. Also, to make them accessible to interested persons. The site is being updated regularly. Pictures, as of now, have all been taken in the US, but we will include those buried in other countries, as they become available.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - History of Military & Veteran Affairs
Including Michigan military history, military personalities, museums and forts, and military history links.
FamilySearch - Mexican border veterans index, ca.1916-1917
Microfilm of original records at the State Archives of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan. Includes names of the soldiers and military units. Information is not always completed.
FamilySearch - Michigan, Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), Cemetery Index, 1799-1999
An index with over 2400 cards containing names of soldiers buried in Michigan Veterans Facilities (or Soldiers Home Cemeteries) with names of sections to which they belonged. (Time period - c. 1800's to 1900's). Many cards do not list any dates. This collection covers primarily Civil War soldiers but includes some from other wars as well. The microfilm of a card file is in the possession of the Grand Rapids Public Library, Michigan.
FamilySearch - Michigan, Grand Army of the Republic Membership Records, 1876-1945
Index of membership records of the Michigan Department Grand Army of the Republic. An organization of Union army and navy veterans of the Civil War. The collection consists of registers, lists and and descriptive books of local post (chapters) Records include town of residence, military unit, date of enlistment, date of discharge, age and birthplace.
From 1712-1733 between the French and the Meskwaki (Fox) Indians in what is today Michigan and Wisconsin.
Genealogy Quest - Michigan Soldiers in the Patriot War, 1838-1839
A list of the volunteer soldiers serving in Capt. Isaac Rowland's Independent Company, Brady Guards, Michigan Militia.
Korean Conflict State-Level Casualty Lists - Michigan
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
Michigan 1883 Pensioners Online
Searchable online database consists of the pension number, full name of the pensioner, city of residence, cause for which the pension was issued, amount of pension and date on which the pension was issued. Pensioners include widows, minor children, and survivors of the War of 1812 among others.
Michigan in the Civil War - A Guide to the Resources in the Bentley Historical Library
The Bentley Library has more than four hundred collections pertaining to the participation of Michigan men and military units in the Civil War. Online indexes to names, regiments, battles, portraits and Brown's card index headings..