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- - Michigan, Deaths and Burials Index, 1867-1995
Original source: "Michigan Deaths and Burials, 1800
- - Search Birth, Marriage & Death Records
Including baptisms, christenings, divorces, burials, cemeteries and obituaries. has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
- - U.S., Military Burial Registers, 1768-1921
Original source: Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations, 1768-1921. Microfilm Publication M2014, 1 roll; ARC ID: 4478153. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92; National Archives in Washington, D.C. has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
- - Search For Michigan Cemetery Records
Use with a FREE 7-day membership and search over 2.1 billion records. Pay-for-use after the seven day free trial.
BillionGraves - Michigan Cemeteries
BillionGraves provides an app for smartphones so that users can take photos of gravestones at any cemetery worldwide and upload the photos to the BillionGraves web site. Users can then transcribe the gravestone information from the photos online. Use of the site is free. You can either earn or purchase extra features such as the "Record Watch" that will alert you when a specific search term of yours comes online. Earn some of these features through participation in the BillionGraves project by uploading and transcribing photos.
Burial sites for the 4th Michigan Volunteer Infantry who served our country between 1861-1866
The purpose of this website is to present pictures of the graves and information about the soldiers who served during the Civil War. Also, to make them accessible to interested persons. The site is being updated regularly. Pictures, as of now, have all been taken in the US, but we will include those buried in other countries, as they become available.
FamilySearch - Michigan, Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), Cemetery Index, 1799-1999
An index with over 2400 cards containing names of soldiers buried in Michigan Veterans Facilities (or Soldiers Home Cemeteries) with names of sections to which they belonged. (Time period - c. 1800's to 1900's). Many cards do not list any dates. This collection covers primarily Civil War soldiers but includes some from other wars as well. The microfilm of a card file is in the possession of the Grand Rapids Public Library, Michigan.
Find a Grave - Browse Cemeteries by US County - Michigan
Information for over 300,000 cemeteries in over 170 different countries. Find the graves of ancestors, create virtual memorials, add 'virtual flowers' and a note to a loved one's grave. You can also try the Find A Grave Search Form.
- Michigan Cemeteries
Online archive of cemetery transcriptions, with dates and names of people interred in local cemeteries. Also links to related materials online.
Michigan - Southeast MI Cemetery Project
Lower Southeast Michigan GPS Cemetery Mapping Project.
MIGenWeb - Michigan Cemeteries Index
Index for Michigan Cemetery Listings by County