Acadian Archives - University of Maine at Fort Kent
Our holdings include over 500 distinct archival collections. They include manuscript items (diaries, ledgers, maps, newspapers, scrapbooks, etc.) and physical artifacts representing the rich craft traditions of the Upper St. John Valley. The Archives are also home to a large collection of genealogical reference works and a lending library of materials focused on French-heritage peoples across the Northeast.
Web site of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
FamilySearch - FamilySearch Center Locator: Maine
From the FamilySearch web site. Includes address, telephone number and hours of operation.
From the FamilySearch web site, an online catalog to the holdings of Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Microfilm loans can be ordered and then sent to your local Family History Center.
Folger Library: Special Collections Manuscript Collections
Orono. From the University of Maine.
LibDex - The Library Index - Maine
A worldwide directory of links to library homepages and web-based OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs).
An organization with over 300 members including archives, museums, libraries and historic societies indexed in the interactive directory.
Maine Historical Societies / Historical Records Repositories
A list from the Maine State Archives.
Library and genealogy service for research located in Portland, Maine.
Maine's online museum, a project of the Maine Historical Society.
Databases of selected vital records and indexes to the state archives collections.
Online searchable databases.
The Maine State Documents digital repository is provided as a service of the Maine State Library to access electronic versions of Maine government publications.
Augusta, Maine.
United States » Maine » Libraries, Archives & Museums
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