Swedish America Heritage Online - Illinois, New York, Massachusetts
The purpose of this website is for educational and historical research. It digitally preserves the genealogy data and images of Swedish American emigrants, their ancestors and descendants. If you find a match on our data base with one of your ancestors, please assist us by becoming a registered user and update the appropriate branch that includes your family. There is no fee for this service.
Indexed page images of an 1851 book containing 'A Statement of the Reputed Wealth of About Fifteen Hundred Persons, with Brief Sketches of More than One Thousand Characters.'
Information about those tried and/or killed in the Salem Witch trials of 1692. This site has family trees, and the reasons for this obsession with evil.
UMass Dartmouth - Portuguese Oral History Projects
This collection began with a group of 74 personal narratives created as the result of a UMass Dartmouth Sociology Department student project which took place under the direction of professors Donna Huse and Bela Feldman-Bianco between 1987 and the early 1990s. It includes interviews of a wide variety of individuals from southeastern Massachusetts of Portuguese descent, many of which immigrated from the Azores, but also many who were born here of immigrant parents.
Witches of Massachusetts Bay suggests roadtrips to discover buildings and artifacts related to 17th century witch trials, provides a calendar of related events, plus information on research collections, news, latest research, Q&As with historians, book notices, museum collection highlights, and more.
United States » Massachusetts » People: Ethnicities, Nations, and Families
29 Links
Adoptions, biographies, ethnic groups, famous people, immigrants, some family groups, etc.