12th Kansas Volunteer Infantry, Company K
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Ancestry.com - Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic Bound Post Records, 1866-1931 $
Original source: Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas, Post Records (Bound Manuscript Collection 126). Topeka, Kansas: Kansas Historical Society. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic Post Reports, 1880-1940 $
Original source: Kansas Grand Army of the Republic Post Reports, 1880-1943. Topeka, Kansas: Kansas Historical Society. Loose paper, 104 boxes. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Kansas, U.S., Grand Army of the Republic Bound Post Records, 1866-1931 $
Original source: Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas, Post Records (Bound Manuscript Collection 126). Topeka, Kansas: Kansas Historical Society. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Kansas, U.S., Grand Army of the Republic Post Reports, 1880-1940 $
Original source: Kansas Grand Army of the Republic Post Reports, 1880-1943. Topeka, Kansas: Kansas Historical Society. Loose paper, 104 boxes. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Kansas, United Spanish War Veterans Reports of Deaths, 1945-1970 $
Original data: United Spanish War Veterans. Department of Kansas. Taps. Microfilm, 3 rolls. Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas.
Ancestry.com - Leavenworth, KS Veterans Center Death Register $
Original source: Leavenworth V.A. Center Death Register 1886-1903 (Book #2).
Ancestry.com - Search Military Records
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Ancestry.com - U.S., Military Burial Registers, 1768-1921 $
Original source: Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations, 1768-1921. Microfilm Publication M2014, 1 roll; ARC ID: 4478153. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92; National Archives in Washington, D.C. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Civil War on the Western Border: The Missouri-Kansas Conflict, 1854-1865
This website engages Civil War buffs, scholars, students, and local residents in research and discussion on the Missouri-Kansas Border War that shook the region from 1854 to 1865. Through a collaborative effort among libraries, museums, and historical societies across the greater Kansas City region, the project provides free access to selected primary source materials and adds unique interactive features and a thematic layer of original scholarly essays and topical encyclopedia entries.
Enlistment Papers of the 19th Kansas Cavalry, 1868-1869
From the Kansas State Historical Society.
My grandfather, John Jay Humbert, was an enlisted member of the 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment, commanded by Col. Frederick Funston. The regiment was sent to the Philippines to quell the Insurrection of 1898-1899. They returned to great acclaim, known to all America as The Fighting Twentieth.
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Kansas Adjutant General's Report, 1861-1865
Lists the names of all troops who served in the Kansas volunteer regiments during the Civil War.
Kansas Adjutant General's Report, 1898-1899 - Kansas Historical Society
The 12th biennial Kansas Adjutant General's Report lists the names of all soldiers who served in the Kansas volunteer troops (the 20th through 23rd Kansas Regiments) during the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (through Oct. 28, 1899).
United States » Kansas » Military
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