Vincennes, Corydon, New Harmony, Madison, and Abraham Lincoln's boyhood home.
Illiana Jewish Genealogical Society
A Jewish genealogical society covering Chicago's southern suburbs and northwest Indiana.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Indiana
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
Indiana Genealogical Society Blog
News for all those interested in Indiana genealogy, including queries and updates on the Indiana Marriage Indexing Project.
Indiana Genealogical Society--Members-Only Databases
Searchable databases (some with free access) for those researching their Indiana connections.
Indiana Postal History Society
Magna Charta Dames and Barons Society, Indiana Division
Indiana Division, lineage society. Membership based on lineal blood descent from 1 of 25 Sureties for the Magna Charta or from a Baron, Prelate, Knight or other influential person present on the field of Runnemede in June 1215 on behalf of the Charter.
Monon Railroad Historical Technical Society
Linden. The Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railroad.
SAGA-OMII Genealogical Association
Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association centered around Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, focusing on mostly Swiss Mennonite descendants.
United States » Indiana » Societies & Groups
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