randymajors.com - County Lines on Google Maps
View present-day county boundaries on a searchable, fully interactive Google Map.
randymajors.com - Historical U.S. County Boundary Maps
Interactive online map tool.
randymajors.com's Historical County Boundary Maps
An online tool that uses Google Maps to display counties boundaries from ANY HISTORICAL YEAR. Type in ANY PRESENT-DAY PLACE in the U.S. and ANY HISTORICAL YEAR to see the map of county boundaries then in effect, along with all of the current Google Maps places, roads, etc to put the historical map in a current and familiar context! You can then click any county on the map to see the specific history of the boundary changes, and type in different years to see the boundary changes over time. Based on the Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, a project of The Newberry Library.
RoadsideThoughts - A Gazetteer for the United States and Canada
With our gazetteer, we are collecting and organizing information about the current and historical communities of the United States and Canada. Starting with State, Province or Territory, you can drill-down to a desired community. Not only do we have general information, we are also assembling geographic information that is of interest to genealogists. For example, the distance and direction to communities in surrounding counties, cemeteries in the immediate area and a list of neighboring communities existing in 1895. Our Gazetteer is open to all without cost or registration.
Land ownership information from 1945 to present for over 600 counties in 17 states, mainly the midwest United States.
Territorial evolution of the United States - Wikipedia
A list of the evolution of the borders of the United States from the 18th to the 20th century.
The National Map - Printable Maps
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
The United States (with Excursions to Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, and Alaska), 1909
Handbook for Travelers by Karl Baedeker. With 33 maps and 48 plans. Fourth Revised Edition. Published 1909. From Baedeker's Old Guide Books.
As you browse through the available townships on this site, you will notice that information pertaining to larger cities is largely non-existent. There is a reason for this. Through a variety of resources we can come to learn about states and cities as a whole, but what of the countryside? What of the farms and smaller towns? This site is devoted to the unwritten history of the people who lived in these areas.
United States Office of Coast Survey - Historical Map & Charts
The Office of Coast Survey's Historical Map & Chart Collection is a rich archive of high-resolution images capturing a vast wealth of the U.S. government's historical surveying and mapping. The collection of over 35,000 scanned images - covering offshore and onshore sites - includes some of the Nation's earliest nautical charts, bathymetric maps, city plans, and Civil War battlefield maps.
A map of the United States exhibiting post roads & distances : the first sheet comprehending the nine northern states, with parts of Virginia and the territory north of Ohio / by Abraham Bradley Junr. ; W. Harrison Junr., sc.
USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer
Access to more than 178,000 of the USGS's maps dating back to 1884, also making them easily searchable by city.
USGS Historical Topographic Maps | topoView
The maps shown through topoView are from the USGS
United States » U.S. General » Maps & Geography
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