Dedicated to chronicling and recording the contributions of the Flemish diaspora to the Americas and the World. Natuurlijk, from the viewpoint of an avowed and died-in-the-wool Flemish American.
John Francis Maguire, founder of The Cork Examiner, undertook a six month tour of Canada and the United States in 1867 to discover the condition and extent of the Irish in the New World. `The Irish in America', the product of his findings, provides a fascinating insight into the lives of Irish immigrants in the North American continent during the Nineteenth-century. Despite parts being anecdotal, and his opinions and conclusions perhaps sometimes a little coloured by his obviously devout faith (Pope Pius IX made him a knight commander of St. gregory), the book is nevetheless a mine of information on the social history of the time. From the fever sheds of Grosse Isle to the New York tenements and the plains of California, Maguire describes the lot of the emigrant from Ireland. He also maps the progress of the Catholic Church in the United States, showing how the religious animosities from the `old country' were pursued in the new. A full chapter is devoted to the Irish in the American Civil War, and the Appendix includes information for emigrants and some relevant U.S. census statistics.
USCIS began overseeing refugee admissions to the U.S. when it began operations on March 1, 2003. Before then, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) administered refugee admissions. This timeline traces the major events and policies that affected refugee admissions under the INS and its predecessor agencies, from 1891 to 2003.
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