Records for Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and a portion of New Mexico.
Public Libraries in the United States - Colorado
A directory with detailed information for public libraries in each state.
The Steelworks Center of the West mission is to provide continuing education to the public through the preservation of historic archives, artifacts and buildings of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (CF&I), and related activities leading to the industrialization of the entire Western United States.
United Methodist Church - Annual Conference Commissions on Archives and History
List of annual conference archive contacts for the state. For local Methodist church records, your best resource is the annual conference archives. The boundaries of the annual conference do not necessarily coincide with state boundaries, and some states may have several conferences within their borders.
Western Waters Digital Library
The Western Waters Digital Library (WWDL) provides free public access to digital collections of significant primary and secondary resources on water in the western United States. These collections have been made available by research libraries belonging to the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) and other academic library partners. Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington.
WorldCat: The World's Largest Library Catalog
WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services. WorldCat.org lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. You can search for books, music CDs, videos, and many new kinds of digital content such as downloadable audiobooks. You may also find article citations with links to their full text; authoritative research materials, such as documents and photos of local or historic significance; and digital versions of rare items that aren't available to the public. Special features include the ability for you to create lists of library items and build biblilographies.
United States » Colorado » Libraries, Archives & Museums
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