Delaware City, Delaware.
Friends of the Florence Stockade
Florence, South Carolina.
Gen. Alfred Pleasonton Camp No. 24 - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW)
The Camp serves San Francisco (shared with Phil Sheridan Camp No. 4) and the East San Francisco Bay Area.
General Robert C. Newton Camp #197, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Little Rock, Arkansas.
To preserve our history & heritage; and to develop the Civil War Battlefields which are located in Kinston, Lenoir Co., N.C.
We are the Illinois Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans. We accept members who live within the state of Illinois who would like to join one of our local chapters. We are a descendants organization for the male descendants of Confederate veterans.
Indiana Genealogical Society--Society of Civil War Families of Indiana
A lineage society to honor those who can prove they are direct descendants of Union soldiers who served in Indiana units in the Civil War, or who were residents of Indiana when they served in non-Indiana units.
Moultrie, Georgia.
Louisville Civil War Round Table
Louisville, Kentucky.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Military Order of the Stars and Bars
Male descendants of the officers who honorably served in the Army, Navy and other commands of the Confederate States of America and male descendants of the elected and appointed civilian officials of the Confederate States; the national Confederate Government; or the Five Civilized Tribes which allied with the Confederacy, unite to establish The Military Order of the Stars and Bars, a patriotic and fraternal Society.
National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865
Hereditary Society for women descendants (lineal and collateral)of Civil War Union ancestors.
National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865
Hereditary society for women eighteen years of age or over provided she is a direct lineal or collateral descendant of a man or woman who rendered military or civil service to the Union during the years 1861-1865.
New Jersey Civil War Heritage Association (NJCWHA)
Wood-Ridge, New Jersey.
United States » U.S. Military: Civil War » Societies & Groups
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