Papers of the War Department, 1784 to 1800
Fire destroyed the War Department office in 1800. For decades historians believed that its files, and the window they provide into the early federal government, had been lost forever. This collection unites copies of the lost files in a digital archive that reconstitutes this invaluable historical resource.
Pensioners of Revolutionary War Struck Off The Roll
Pensioners of Revolutionary War Struck Off The Roll is a list of the names of pensioners, under the act of 18th of March, 1818, whose names were struck of the list by act of 1st May, 1820, and subsequently restored.
Pensioners of the United States, 1818 - New Horizons Genealogy
Pensioners of the United States: 1818. In compiance with a resolution of the Senate, relative to the Pensioners of the United States, the sum annually paid to each, and the states or territories in which the said pensioners are respectfully paid, I now transmit a report, from the Secretary of War, which documents marked A and B, contain all the information required.
Revolutionary War Declarations 1820-1835
Centre County, Pennsylvania. Online searchable index and scanned images.
Revolutionary War Period Bible, Family & Marriage Records
Index to microfilm volumes of abstracts from pension files.
Revolutionary War Soldier Burials - New York State
Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in New York, whose graves have been officially reported, located or marked, by the Daughters of the American Revolution of New York.
Revolutionary War Soldier Burials - Vermont | Genealogy
Revolutionary War Soldiers buried in Vermont, whose graves have been officially reported, located or marked, by the Daughters of the American Revolution of Vermont.
Revolutionary War Warrants Database Updated
Searchable online database indexes 4,748 bounty land warrants for land in Kentucky issued by Virginia to veterans of the Revolutionary War. Information and database from the Kentucky Secretary of State.
Sons of the American Revolution, detailed search system of Patriots, with service records and sources, lineages, cemetery records, and biographies.
Sources of Revolutionary War Service
Links to free online sources of service for American Revolutionary War soldiers and patriots.
Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Applications & Rosters
This free site contains 12,000+ pension applications and 81 roster transcriptions in PDF format. The soldiers listed fought or lived in the South during the Revolutionary War.
Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters
Roster transcriptions and pension applications or bounty land claims, including transcripts made from the online collection of the Library of Virginia.
Information on how to request copies of older (pre-WWI) military service records from the series held at NARA in Washington, D.C. Those include the following. Volunteers: Military service performed by persons serving during an emergency and whose service was considered to be in the Federal interest, 1775 - 1902. Regular Army: Enlisted personnel, 1789 - October 31, 1912; Officers, 1789 - June 30, 1917. Navy: Enlisted personnel, 1798 - 1885; Officers, 1798 - 1902. Marine Corps: Enlisted personnel, 1798 - 1904; Some officers, 1798 - 1895. Coast Guard: Persons who served in predecessor agencies to the U.S. Coast Guard: the Revenue Cutter Service (Revenue Marine), the Life-Saving Service, and the Lighthouse Service, 1791 - 1919. Confederate States: Persons who rendered military service for the Confederate States government in its armed forces, 1861 - 1865. Veterans Records: Claims files for pensions based on Federal military service, 1775 - 1916 and bounty land warrant application files relating to claims based on wartime service, 1775 - 1855.
The Vermont 1840 Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services
The Vermont 1840 Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the act for taking the sixth census.
Requesting Copies of Older (pre-WWI) Military Service Records.
Using Revolutionary War Pension Files to Find Family Information FREE
By Jean Nudd for Prologue Magazine
A legacy project of the Valley Forge Park Alliance.
Online searchable database of soldiers who served at the Valley Forge encampment.
United States » U.S. Military: American Revolution » Records: Military, Pension, Burial, Casualties
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