Search for United Kingdom (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales) genealogy records. Includes links to census, court records, civil registration, church records, passenger lists and death records.
Ancestry.com - Wales Genealogy & Wales Family History Resource
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Copyright for Family Historians (Wayback Machine)
Article by David Hawgood pertaining to copyright issues in the United Kingdom.
Family History Federation - Research tips
From the Federation of Family History Societies.
Family Research - English, Scottish and Irish Genealogy
Blog covering British genealogy news, reviews and helpful articles; genealogy links, free query forums.
Family Tree Resources in England and Wales
Family Tree Resources to help you with your family tree research in England and Wales
FamilySearch - Wales Research Page
Resources all on one-page for research in this state including links to the FamilySearch Wiki, the Learning Center, the FamilySearch Library Catalog, and the Historical Records Collection.
Join Findmypast and you
Findmypast - Search All Record Sets - Wales $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Free UK Genealogy is a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) acting as an umbrella organisation for FreeBMD, FreeReg and FreeCEN. We work with volunteers to make transcriptions of the England and Wales Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths, historic Parish Registers and 19th Century Censuses. Each of the projects is a significant undertaking and in total, more than ten thousand volunteers have contributed over 350,000,000 records.
Genealogy of the UK - Wales Genealogy
A directory of UK online resources, including archives, libraries, directories, surname lists, parish registers, cemeteries, war memorials, electoral rolls and censuses.
GenealogyInTime Magazine - England and Wales Genealogy Records
A handy guide to the most recent genealogy records on the internet organized by country and region.
Digging Up Your Roots in Wales
By Daniel L. Parry.
We give you your DNA mix across 80 world regions, including 21 in Britain and Ireland. You can also explore peer reviewed details of the areas of the world your ancestors are from.
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
The Online Genealogical Index (OGI) includes over 400,000 data sets for locations in England, Isle of Man and Wales. Using this site will quickly find online records for the places of your ancestors. Find parish registers, civil registration, cemetery surveys, school records and more. You will save hours of research time and find multiple sources for places you are researching.
United Kingdom & Ireland » Wales / Cymru » General Resources
43 Links