Founded in 1911, the SoG and its library are located in London, England.
Record Guides, Hint & Tips, Family History Advice Service, and more.
Library catalogue, SoG data online, index to documents, index to pedigrees, and more.
The English Place-Name Society
The Society publishes the results of the Survey of English place-names county by county which contain an explanation of the meaning and origin of the place-names in each part of England.
The Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Online article from Irish Roots Magazine.
The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies
A school for the study of the history and structure of the family and of subjects generally auxiliary to historical applications.
The Jewish Historical Society of England
The Society was founded in 1893 by leading Anglo-Jewish scholars and communal leaders. It was created to promote research, study and publishing on the history of Jews of Britain and of countries from which British Jewry came.
The United Grand Lodge of England
The web site of the main Masonic movement in the UK.
United Kingdom & Ireland » England » Societies & Groups
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