Iande (Ancestry) Research Associates
Genealogy research and lineage investigation services specializing in Norway, Sweden and Iceland.
NEDRUD | Slektsforskning / Norwegian Genealogy Service
Offering genealogy service for people with ancestors in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. 25 years of experience. I have written several books and held a lot of lectures and classes in genealogy. I will give you full reports and a pedigree and also tips to what to do next as part of my service.
Network Genealogical Adventures in Sweden
The Network Genealogical Adventures in Sweden - for promotion of heritage and genealogical travels to Sweden for Swedish-Americans and others. The Network is for you who plan to visit your ancestors’ homeland, but you are uncertain how to do the genealogy, plan your trip and contact relatives in Sweden. You like to have a guide who can guide you in Sweden to the places you like to see, specific where your ancestors lived. You may like to have help with all four but just only one. You travel on your own, with your family, with friends, in a group or in a tour. The Network consists of Swedish genealogists and guides that are working together to make your trip to your ancestors homeland as good and easy as possible.
Professional Swedish genealogist, more than 40 years of experience, located in the south of Sweden with the whole of Sweden as a working field. All kinds of genealogical research: finding ancestors and now living family in Sweden, translations, and transcriptions of old documents, Swedish immigrants all over the globe, and brick walls. Accepting also assignments regarding Denmark, Norway, and Åland (Finland).
Red Bird Genealogy Services | Elizabeth Williams Gomoll, Certified Genealogist
Research and other genealogy services offered by professional genealogist, Elizabeth Williams Gomoll, based in St. Paul/Minneapolis. Offering a full range of genealogy services: ancestor hunting, finding place of origin, client-assisted research, writing, editing, presentations, Minnesota record look-ups. Primary geographic focus is Upper Midwest and Sweden.
Swedish professional researcher. Discover your family ancestors Swedish roots.
Roots in Sweden - Trece Sweden Genealogical Research
Located near V
Help for searching in Sweden.
SasRoN Sassersson Roots and Notes
SASRON Swedish ancestry research service.
Scandinavian Family Research Services New!
Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish family history and translation. Slektsforskning på norsk, svenska og dansk.
Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish research done by a native Dane, Kim Melchior, with more than 30 years of genealogy research experience. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Searching Scandinavia - Got Nordic Roots? You're in the right place!
Scandinavian Genealogy Research, Scandinavian Languages Translation, Heritage Trip Research & Guidance.
Free & pro help with genealogy research work in Sweden.
Swedenroots - Genealogy for you
Professional genealogical research in Sweden.Research services for the ancestry of Swedish-American immigrants finding their roots in Sweden. Help you to search for your ancestor who emigrated from Sweden to the US in the 1800's and early 1900's.Single search or for an entire family. Access to all Swedish parish registers. Take photos of tombstones and cemeteries. Use new computerized tools Translations to / from Swedish.
SwedeRoots has found the Swedish ancestors of many American familie sand connected newfound relatives with each other. SwedeRoots has more than 30 years experience of genealogical research and many satisfied customers. If you want to find your Swedish ancestors, don
Swedgenco - Professional Genealogist With 40 years Of Experience
Kerstin Jonmyren, Swedish Genealogy Company. Research services for the ancestry of Swedish-American immigrants, helping descendants of Swedish
Do you have Swedish ancestors? Need help? The Swedish Ancestors website offers professional help with detailed family trees, life stories, and translations.
Swedish Genealogy & Translations
Professional genealogical research and translation service.
Sweden / Sverige » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
46 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers